Yii2 widget to select location at map and choose map coordinates
This extension adds functionality to select the location on the Google map. The extension indicates the model and attributes, which stores the address, latitude and longitude.
When choosing a location map of switches and sets the marker to the selected location. The attributes recorded address and coordinates of the selected location.
Run at your console:
php composer.phar require "kalyabin/yii2-select-google-map-location" "*"
First, register your Google API key as described: Google API Documentation
After this, enable at Google console:
- Google Map JavaScript API (remember API key)
- Google Places API Web Service
Declare model class which will save geographic coordinates:
class SearchLocation extends \yii\base\Model
public $address;
public $longitude;
public $latitude;
Render widget:
$model = new SearchLocation();
$form = \yii\widgets\ActiveForm::begin();
$form->field($model, 'address')->widget(\kalyabin\maplocation\SelectMapLocationWidget::className(), [
'attributeLatitude' => 'latitude',
'attributeLongitude' => 'longitude',