#Voting App ** This is a voting app, a MEAN stack project done for Free Code Camp backend project. **
- Here is the url for preview: https://bunny-voting-app.herokuapp.com
- Users can sign up with facebook account or google account or with an email.
- Registered can make upto five polls and each poll can have upto 10 options.
- After creating a poll you can share the url of your poll with your friends
- The polls will be stored and can come back later to access them.
- After reaching the limit if you wan to create a new poll , you should delete any one of your old polls.
- Only registered users can vote one time to a poll.
- Any one who has the poll url can view the poll and its stats.
- We use charts.js to visualize the data of poll.
- Update with facebook and google app-id and app-secret and also the callback urls with your domain in 'config/auth.js'
- Change mongoose connection in 'server.js' to real working url.
- Change the url part in the 'custom.js' to your domain.