This is a Go wrapper around the API for Cards Integrators by Spend-Juice.
To install, run
go get
The base class for this package is 'spend-juice-go'. To use this class, add:
import (
To use Spend Juice, instantiate Spend-Juice with your public key. We recommend that you store your secret key in an environment variable named, JUICE_PRIVATE_KEY
. See example below.
err := godotenv.Load("./.env")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error loading .env file")
client := juice.NewClient()
You can override the default settings by passing in the following parameters:
Timeout: your-timeout,
This is the documentation for all of the components of card Integrator
Methods Included:
This is called to create a card integrator account. The payload should be of type juice.RegisterAccountData
. See below for juice.RegisterAccountData
type RegisterAccountData struct {
FloatCurrencies []string `json:"float_currencies"`
BusinessAddress string `json:"business_address"`
BusinessName string `json:"business_name"`
Chain string `json:"chain"`
ContactNumber string `json:"contact_number"`
Country string `json:"country"`
Domain string `json:"domain"`
Email string `json:"email"`
FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
LastName string `json:"last_name"`
Password string `json:"password"`
RegistrationNumber string `json:"registration_number"`
WebhookUrl string `json:"webhook_url"`
A sample register call is:
payload := juice.RegisterAccountData{
BusinessAddress: "Ajah",
BusinessName: "Algoro",
Chain: "ETH",
ContactNumber: "+2349034384669",
Country: "NG",
Domain: "",
Email: "[email protected]",
FirstName: "Olusola",
FloatCurrencies: []string{"USD"},
LastName: "Alao",
Password: "@Password",
RegistrationNumber: "RC-5467898",
WebhookUrl: "",
response, err := client.RegisterAccount(payload)
if err != nil {
{{Lekki Ikate Algo Math ETH +2349034384660 NG [email protected] Olusola [USD] 27de9f46-726a-4499-aa62-27c3ed274026 Alao RC-546787 {0xbaf2e14f27c106f0d078b397af9c7eebf1611d46 ETH USD}}}
This is called to update the integrator account.
A sample validate call is:
response, err := client.UpdateAccount("", "New Road Lincoln street", "")
if err != nil {
{{New Road Lincoln street algo math +2349034384662 NG [email protected] Olusola [USD] 8de0c7a2-0004-4420-899b-f8d89c81f82b Alao 12345 {0x7af2fa93d4069655098a24dd055ff7aa51bab531 ETH USD}}}
This is called to create an account for user requesting a card. The payload should be of type spend-juice-go.RegisterUserData
. See below for spend-juice-go.RegisterUserData
type RegisterUserData struct {
Address UserAddress `json:"address"`
Email string `json:"email"`
FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
IdNumber string `json:"id_number"`
IdType string `json:"id_type"`
LastName string `json:"last_name"`
PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"`
UserPhoto string `json:"user_photo,omitempty"`
IdNumber is the user identity card number (in sandbox environment use 00000000000 as your BVN number)
A sample register-user call is:
payload := juice.RegisterUserData{
Address: juice.UserAddress{
City: "Lagos",
Country: "NG",
Line1: "Lekki Phase 1",
Line2: "Saltana Park",
State: "Lagos",
ZipCode: "101233",
Email: "[email protected]",
FirstName: "Olusola",
IdNumber: "00000000000",
IdType: "BVN",
LastName: "Alao",
PhoneNumber: "+2348023547675",
accountId := "27de9f46-726a-4499-aa62-27c3ed274026"
response, err := client.RegisterUser(payload, id)
if err != nil {
{{{Lagos NG Lekki Phase 1 Saltana Park Lagos 101233} false 27de9f46-726a-4499-aa62-27c3ed274026 [email protected] Olusola be2c7d1c-c02a-4925-a7c4-4c5b4fc579f1 00000000000 BVN Alao +2348023547675 false}}
This is called to get a list of card users attached to an integrator account. Limit is the number of users dispaly per page.
A sample list users call is:
response, err := client.ListUsers(10, 1)
if err != nil {
{1 1 1 [{{Lagos NG Lekki Phase 1 <nil> <nil> 101233} false 27de9f46-726a-4499-aa62-27c3ed274026 [email protected] Olusola 1c607ba6-4a59-405a-bf63-55cb76078ade 00000000000 BVN Alao +2348023547672 true}]}