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RideMyWay API

RideMyWay is a carpooling web application that provides drivers with the ability to create ride offers and passengers to join available ride offers.


  • users can signup on the api
  • users can login into the api
  • api provides a jwt for authentication at login and signup
  • Users can post ride offers
  • Passengers can request to join a ride
  • Drivers can view, accept and reject join requests

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

To deploy this application follow the following steps

  • clone the project from git hub
  • download PostgreSQL for setting up the database
  • Install PostgreSQL and setup a server
  • create two database with a names "myway" and "myway_test"
  • create a python virtual environment and install all the libraries in the "requirements.txt" file
  • navigate to the root of the project and execute the application by running a command "python"

Once the application starts running. Then you can proceed to test the application using postman. The application by default runs on port 5000 . If everything is done perfect you will see a url like can be used to access the application through a browser.

These are the endpoints that are currently available

Type Endpoint What the endpoint does
POST /api/v1/auth/signup used for signing up a user
POST /api/v1/auth/login used to login into the api
POST /api/v1/users/rides used to create a new ride offer
POST /api/v1/rides/int:ride_id/requests used to create a request to join a given ride
GET /api/v1/rides/int:ride_id returns details of a given ride
GET /api/v1/rides returns all the rides in the system
GET /api/v1/users/rides/int:ride_id/requests returns all the requests that were made to a given ride offer
PUT /api/v1/users/rides/int:ride_id/requests/int:request_id used to accept or reject a ride join request
GET /api/v1/mytrips returns all the trips a user has even taken and the offers he/she has ever created

Running the tests

Tests can be run by running the command below at the root of the project directory

if not installed run "pip install nose" to install nose 
then "nosetests" to run the test

You can also get the test coverage by running the command below. this requires you to have installed nose

nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=api

Built With

  • Flask - Python web framework used
  • PostgreSQL - An open source object-relational database was used to store data
  • Flask-Jwt-Extended - Flask library Used to generate JWT tokens for authentication


URL Versioning has been used to version this applications endpoint

Currently only version:1 is available


Ride Api is a car pooling application api






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