- 👋 Hi, I am @c5huracan
- 👀 I am interested in all manner of emerging technologies. Currently with some focus on trying to better understand the challenge of quickly generating high frame-rate synthetic driving video (data) to train a better model, leading to a better safer semi-autonomus driving experience.
- 🌱 Like many ppl, I am currently learning more about generative machine learning models, Tranformer Architecture including Dynamics Transformers and Koopman-based embeddings, LLMs, world models, search and reinforcement learning and autonomous agents... as a start 😃
- 🌱 Standing on the shoulders of giants including commaai's work around their commavq dataset and project: "Training GPTs as a world model with large context size [1] and fast autoregressive predictive video generation" [2]
- 💞️ I am looking to collaborate on any related projects.
[1] Micheli, Vincent, Eloi Alonso, and François Fleuret. "Transformers are Sample-Efficient World Models". The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations. 2022.