nodejs-user-authentication is a restful api template for user authentication in nodeJS
- ExpressJS v4.13.4
- bcrypt v0.8.5
- JWT json web token for node v5.5.4
- Mongoose v4.4.3
- node-restful v0.2.5
- node v4.3.1
$ git clone testapp
$ cd testapp
$ npm install
Go to server/config/index.js and ...
mongodbConnection:'mongodb://localhost/user_service_dev',//change this for your mongo config
jwtSecret:'super-secret-token' //Change this for any random string
//other config vars must be here
Go to app folder and then run
$ node server/app.js
Then open the browser in http://localhost:40000/swagger/
- create seeds
- Add test framework
- Live Reload support
Go to the Auth tab and use the /authenticate endpoint
copy and paste the token in the token textfield
Now you can use the other end points