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Update to effect_size_CI with Hedges and Olkins method, other minor u…
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torwager committed Jan 25, 2024
1 parent d2b9161 commit 8d07787
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Showing 4 changed files with 302 additions and 32 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions CanlabCore/@fmri_data/robfit_parcelwise.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -456,6 +456,7 @@
resultstable = table;
resultstable.Properties.Description = 'Parcel-wise robust regression';
resultstable.maxT = max(OUT.tscores)';
resultstable.minT = min(OUT.tscores)';
resultstable.minP = min(OUT.pvalues)';

resultstable.sig05 = sum(OUT.pvalues < 0.05)';
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions CanlabCore/Misc_utilities/documentation_template.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -296,6 +296,20 @@

validateattributes(X,{'numeric'},{'2d'},'plot_correlation_matrix','X', 1);

classes = {'numeric'};
attributes = {'size',[4,6,2]};

A = rand(3,5,2);

% make sure input has a value of 1 or 2
A = 2
classes = {'numeric'};
attributes = {'scalar', 'integer', '<=',2,'>=', 1};

logical_args = {'dofdr' 'false' 'dospearman' 'dofigure' 'doimage' 'docircles' 'dotext'};
for i = 1:length(logical_args)

Expand Down
308 changes: 279 additions & 29 deletions CanlabCore/Statistics_tools/effect_size_CI.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,41 +6,137 @@
% - This function assumes dfe is n-1 unless specified otherwise
% - Assumes normally distributed data
% Inputs:
% d = Effect size estimate
% n = Sample size
% Outputs:
% d_CI = 95% confidence interval for d, 2-tailed
% P = P-value for the input d
% P_CI = 95% confidence interval for P, 2-tailed
% :Inputs:
% **d:**
% Effect size estimate
% **n:**
% Sample size
% :Optional Inputs:
% **'method', 'noncentralt':**
% Use noncentral t method instead of Hedges and Olkin
% **'n2', [integer]:**
% Sample size for 2nd group
% In this case, effect_size_CI returns the CI for the two-sample
% effect size. n is the first group's sample size.
% **'alphaval', [numeric value]:**
% Alpha value, acceptable false positive rate
% **'tails', [1 or 2]:**
% 1 for one-tailed, 2 for two-tailed tests/CIs. Default = 2
% :Outputs:
% **d_CI:**
% 95% confidence interval for d, 2-tailed by default
% **P:**
% P-value for the input d
% **P_CI:**
% P-values for lower and upper 95% confidence interval bounds on d, 2-tailed by default
% :Notes:
% ::
% --------------------------------------------------
% There are multiple methods for this and formulas are suggested by
% Hedges (1981), Theory for Glass's Estimator of Effect Size and Related Estimators
% This function uses the method suggested by David C. Howell, University of Vermont
% This function implements two methods:
% 1.Hedges-Olkin, a parametric calculation that is quick to implement
% - the default
% Hedges LV, Olkin I. Statistical methods for meta-analysis. Orlando: Academic Press Inc; 2014. p. 86.
% 2. A version based on the non-central t-distribution
% - this is an "alpha version" and may not be correct
% the method suggested by David C. Howell, University of Vermont
% Using the CDF of the non-central t distribution for the observed t score
% NOTE: Confidence intervals are not symmetric.
% See also:
% Hedges LV, Olkin I. Statistical methods for meta-analysis. Orlando: Academic Press Inc; 2014. p. 86.
% :See also:
% ::
% --------------------------------------------------
% power_calc.m
% Formulas
% p2t = @(p, dfe, tails) abs(tinv(p ./ tails, dfe));
% p2d = @(p, dfmodel, dfe, tails) abs(tinv(p ./ tails, dfe)) ./ sqrt(dfmodel + dfe);
% p2d = @(p, dfmodel, dfe, tails) abs(tinv(p ./ tails, dfe)) ./ sqrt(dfmodel + dfe); % dfmodel + dfe = N observations
% d2t = @(d, dfmodel, dfe) d .* sqrt(dfmodel+dfe);
% d2p = @(d, dfmodel, dfe, tails) tails .* (1 - tcdf(d .* sqrt(dfmodel+dfe), dfe));
% d2p = @(d, n, dfe, tails) tails .* (1 - tcdf(d .* sqrt(n), dfe));
% Examples:
% :Examples:
% ::
% ---------------------------------------
% e.g.,
% n = 100; d = 0.65;
% d_CI = effect_size_CI(d, n);
% [d_CI, P, P_CI] = effect_size_CI(0.5, 30)
% A two-sample version of the above (wider confidence interval):
% [d_CI, P, P_CI] = effect_size_CI(0.5, 30, 'n2', 30)
% % Generate 1 and 2-sample values for a range of effect sizes and plot
% % ---------------------------------------
% dvals = [0.01:0.05:2]';
% n = 20;
% [d_CI1, d_CI2] = deal(zeros(length(dvals), 2));
% P = [];
% for i = 1:length(dvals)
% [d_CI1(i, :), P(i, 1)] = effect_size_CI(dvals(i), n);
% d_CI2(i, :) = effect_size_CI(dvals(i), n, 'n2', n);
% end
% figure;
% subplot(1, 2, 1);
% plot(dvals, dvals, 'b', 'MarkerFaceColor', [.3 0 1]);
% hold on;
% han = errorbar(dvals, dvals, dvals - d_CI1(:, 1), d_CI1(:, 2) - dvals);
% set(han, 'Color', 'b', 'LineWidth', 0.1)
% han = errorbar(dvals(P < 0.05), dvals(P < 0.05), dvals(P < 0.05) - d_CI1(P < 0.05, 1), d_CI1(P < 0.05, 2) - dvals(P < 0.05));
% han2 = plot_horizontal_line(0); set(han2, 'Linestyle', '--');
% xlabel('Effect size (d)');
% ylabel('Effect size (d) with CIs')
% title('One-sample test');
% subplot(1, 2, 2);
% plot(dvals, dvals, 'b', 'MarkerFaceColor', [.3 0 1]);
% hold on;
% han = errorbar(dvals, dvals, dvals - d_CI2(:, 1), d_CI2(:, 2) - dvals);
% set(han, 'Color', 'b', 'LineWidth', 0.1)
% xlabel('Effect size (d)');
% ylabel('Effect size (d) with CIs')
% title('Two-sample test');
% han2 = plot_horizontal_line(0); set(han2, 'Linestyle', '--');


% By Tor Wager, 10/2018, alpha version. Comparisons with other methods and
% published examples should be performed, independent checks should be
% performed.
Expand All @@ -49,40 +145,128 @@
% we want critical value x where noncentral tcdf is 0.025 and 0.975 for 2-tailed CI
% or .05 .95 for 90% CI

tails = 2;

if length(varargin) > 0
dfe = varargin{1};
dfe = n - 1;

t = d * sqrt(n);

% Confidence interval on t
minbnd = min(-10, 10*sign(t));
maxbnd = max(10, 10*sign(t));
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

tails = 2;
method = 'hedges'; % or 'noncentralt'
alphaval = 0.05;
n2 = NaN; % Group 2 sample size for between-groups

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% This is a compact way to assign multiple variables. The input argument
% names and variable names must match, however:

allowable_inputs = {'tails' 'method' 'alphaval' 'n2'};

keyword_inputs = {'noncentralt'};

% optional inputs with default values - each keyword entered will create a variable of the same name

for i = 1:length(varargin)
if ischar(varargin{i})
switch varargin{i}

case allowable_inputs

eval([varargin{i} ' = varargin{i+1}; varargin{i+1} = [];']);

case keyword_inputs
% Skip, deal with this below

otherwise, warning(['Unknown input string option:' varargin{i}]);

% 2nd pass: Keyword inputs. These supersede earlier inputs
for i = 1:length(varargin)
if ischar(varargin{i})
switch varargin{i}

case 'writetofile'
writetofile = true;
if isempty(movieoutfile)
movieoutfile = fullfile(pwd, 'rmssd_movie_file');
fprint('Writing file with default name:\n%s\n', movieoutfile);

case {'nomovie' 'nodisplay'}
showmovie = false;


% Validate attributes

classes = {'numeric'};
attributes = {'scalar', 'integer', '<=',2,'>=', 1};

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
switch method

x = [minbnd:.001:t]; % we want critical value x where noncentral tcdf is 0.025 and 0.975 for 2-tailed CI
%p = nctcdf(t, dfe, x); % Non-central t distribution CDF
p = nctcdf(x, dfe, t);
case 'hedges'
[d_CI, ci_2sample] = effect_size_CI_hedgesolkin(d, n, n2, alphaval, tails);

%wh = find(p < 0.975); % 2.5% in each tail
wh = find(p < 0.025); % 2.5% in each tail
% Replace if we want the 2-sample case
if ~isnan(n2)
d_CI = ci_2sample;

t_CI = x(wh(end)); % bounds on t (noncentrality parameter)
case 'noncentralt'

x = [t:.001:maxbnd]; % we want critical value x where noncentral tcdf is 0.025 and 0.975 for 2-tailed CI
% p = nctcdf(t, dfe, x);
p = nctcdf(x, dfe, t);
t = d * sqrt(n);

wh = find(p < 0.975);
% Confidence interval on t
minbnd = min(-10, 10*sign(t));
maxbnd = max(10, 10*sign(t));

t_CI(2) = x(wh(end));
x = [minbnd:.001:t]; % we want critical value x where noncentral tcdf is 0.025 and 0.975 for 2-tailed CI
%p = nctcdf(t, dfe, x); % Non-central t distribution CDF
p = nctcdf(x, dfe, t);

d_CI = t_CI ./ sqrt(n); % convert back to units of d
%wh = find(p < 0.975); % 2.5% in each tail
wh = find(p < 0.025); % 2.5% in each tail

% Now get P-value and Confidence interval on P
t_CI = x(wh(end)); % bounds on t (noncentrality parameter)

x = [t:.001:maxbnd]; % we want critical value x where noncentral tcdf is 0.025 and 0.975 for 2-tailed CI
% p = nctcdf(t, dfe, x);
p = nctcdf(x, dfe, t);

wh = find(p < 0.975);

t_CI(2) = x(wh(end));

d_CI = t_CI ./ sqrt(n); % convert back to units of d

error('Unknown method')
end % case

% Get P-value and Confidence interval on P

% Convert d back to p
d2p = @(d, n, dfe, tails) tails .* (1 - tcdf(d .* sqrt(n), dfe));
Expand All @@ -93,3 +277,69 @@
end % main function

function [ci_1sample, ci_2sample] = effect_size_CI_hedgesolkin(d, n1, n2, alphaval, tails)
% Hedges and Olkin method
% Hedge LV, Olkin I. Statistical methods for meta-analysis. Orlando: Academic Press Inc; 2014. p. 86.
% from
% Implemented here: Martin Lindquist and Tor Wager, Jan 2024
% One-sample example
% d = 0.5 ; n = 30;
% alphaval = 0.05;
% [ci_1sample, ci_2sample] = effect_size_CI_hedgesolkin(d, n1, n2, alphaval)

if nargin < 3 % only for stand-alone version, not needed in the subfunction
n2 = NaN;
alphaval = 0.05;
tails = 2;

zcrit = norminv(1 - alphaval / tails);
sigma_d = sqrt(1/n1 + d.^2 / (2 * n1)); % one-sample

lb = d - zcrit * sqrt(1/n1 + d.^2 / (2 * n1));
ub = d + zcrit * sqrt(1/n1 + d.^2 / (2 * n1));

ci_1sample = [lb ub];

% Two-sample case
sigma_d = sqrt( (n1 + n2)/(n1 * n2) + (d.^2 / (2 * (n1+n2))) ); % two-sample

lb = d - zcrit * sigma_d;
ub = d + zcrit * sigma_d;

ci_2sample = [lb ub];


% NOTES from Martin - if we want to check noncentral t method further
% Computed this using two approaches:
% Non-centrality parameter method
% Lower bound:
% > pt(2.738613,29, .635) %% Non-centrality parameter obtained via trial and error to get 0.975
% [1] 0.9750502
% > .635/sqrt(30)
% [1] 0.1159346
% Upper bound:
% > pt(2.738613,29, 4.8) %% Non-centrality parameter obtained via trial and error to get 0.025
% [1] 0.02497157
% > 4.8/sqrt(30)
% [1] 0.8763561
% Hedges and Olkin approach:
% Lower bound:
% > .5-1.96*sqrt(1/30 + 0.25/60)
% [1] 0.1204476
% Upper bound:
% > .5+1.96*sqrt(1/30 + 0.25/60)
% [1] 0.8795524


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