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yonestar committed Feb 7, 2024
1 parent 5c4d5aa commit a2c4984
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Showing 23 changed files with 1,799 additions and 267 deletions.
134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions CanlabCore/@atlas/downsample_parcellation.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
function new_atlas_obj = downsample_parcellation(obj, varargin)
% An atlas_obj has multiple label fields meant to label nested parcellations
% at different levels of granularity. labels is the default which must
% contain unique entries and correspond to the number of unique indices
% in the (voxelwise) parcellation index map, but labels_2 ... labels_5
% may contain non-unique entries corresponding to coarser parcellations.
% This function remaps indices and probability maps to correspond to one
% of these coarser parcellations. It is a lossy operations and all labels
% of finer parcellation than the selected level will be discarded.
% Input ::
% obj - an atlas_object. Must have at least one of labels_2 ...
% labels_5 defined
% varargin - either a vector of new labels to use, a string or leave empty.
% If you provide a vector, its length should equal number of
% regions in original atlas, with redundant labels for regions
% you want to combine in the downsampled atlas.
% If you provide a string, it should be one of
% {'labels_2', 'labels_3', 'labels_4', 'labels_5'} which will
% then be used as the downsampling vector.
% If you don't provide anything the contents of labels_2 is used
% by default.
% Output ::
% atlas_obj - a new atlas object, reindexed according to labelfield

fprintf('Downsampling %s parcels\n', obj.atlas_name);

if isempty(varargin)
labelfield = 'labels_2';
elseif ischar(varargin{1})
elseif isvector(varargin{1})
if length(varargin{1}) ~= num_regions(obj)
error('New labels has length %d which does not match input atlas parcel count (%d)',length(varargin{1}), num_regions(obj));
obj.labels = varargin{1};
error('Unrecognized input datatype');

% input check
valid_lbls = {'labels', 'labels_2', 'labels_3', 'labels_4', 'labels_5'};
if ~ismember(labelfield, valid_lbls)
error('labelfield must be one of {''labels_2'', ''labels_3'', ''labels_4'', ''labels_5''})');

% check that labels are ordered with finer labels first
n_unique_lbls = zeros(1,length(valid_lbls));
n_lbls = zeros(1,length(valid_lbls));
for i = 1:length(valid_lbls)
lbl = valid_lbls{i};
n_unique_lbls(i) = length(unique(obj.(lbl)));
n_lbls(i) = length(obj.(lbl));

new_ind = find(strcmp(valid_lbls,labelfield));
if n_unique_lbls(new_ind) > n_unique_lbls(1)
error('labelfield %s has %d labels, which is finer grained than labels which has %d unique labels',labelfield, n_unique_lbls(new_ind), n_unique_lbls(1));

new_lbl = valid_lbls{new_ind};
% note: we remove any label fields below if they're not of the appropriate
% length to correspond to the original parcellation
kept_lbl_ind = find((n_unique_lbls <= n_unique_lbls(new_ind)) & ...
(n_lbls == length(obj.(labelfield))));

rm_lbl_ind = find(~ismember(1:length(valid_lbls), 1:length(kept_lbl_ind)));

% merge high resolution regions
[new_lbl_parcels, lbl_exp] = unique(obj.(new_lbl),'stable');
new_parcels = cell(1,length(new_lbl_parcels));

% init progress watcher
n_reg = length(new_lbl_parcels);
last_msg = sprintf('Creating new region 1/%d',n_reg);

% working with sparse matrices is much faster for atlases with many
% parcels, while atlases with few parcels are likely to run quickly
% regardless
obj.probability_maps = sparse(obj.probability_maps);
for i = 1:length(new_lbl_parcels)
% this can be parallelized but it's very memory intensive for some
% atlases (e.g. canlab2023) and parallelization makes the problem worse
% by several factors.

% update progress watcher
delete_last_chars = length(last_msg);
new_msg = sprintf('Creating new region %d/%d',i,n_reg);
last_msg = new_msg;

new_parcel{i} = obj.select_atlas_subset(new_lbl_parcels(i), new_lbl, 'exact', 'flatten');

% init progress watcher
n_reg = length(new_parcel);
last_msg = sprintf('Merging new region 1/%d',n_reg);

% Combine parcels
new_atlas_obj = new_parcel{1};
for i = 2:length(new_parcel)
% update progress watcher
delete_last_chars = length(last_msg);
new_msg = sprintf('Merging new region %d/%d',i,n_reg);
last_msg = new_msg;

new_atlas_obj = new_atlas_obj.merge_atlases(new_parcel{i},'noverbose');
new_atlas_obj.probability_maps = sparse(new_atlas_obj.probability_maps);

for i = 1:length(kept_lbl_ind)
% increment by 1
old_lbls = obj.(valid_lbls{kept_lbl_ind(i)});

new_atlas_obj.(valid_lbls{i}) = old_lbls(lbl_exp(1:length(lbl_exp)));

% delete finer parcellations
for ind = rm_lbl_ind(:)'
new_atlas_obj.(valid_lbls{ind}) = {};

new_atlas_obj.references = unique(new_atlas_obj.references,'rows');

21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions CanlabCore/@atlas/merge_atlases.m
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case 'always_replace', always_replace = true; varargin{i} = [];
case 'noreplace', doreplacevoxels = false; varargin{i} = [];
case 'noverbose', doverbose = false; varargin{i} = [];

otherwise , warning(['Unknown input string option:' varargin{i}]);
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% Subset
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

if ~isempty(varargin) && any(cellfun(@isvector, varargin) || cellfun(@iscell, varargin))
if ~isempty(varargin) && any(cellfun(@isvector, varargin) | cellfun(@iscell, varargin))

if doverbose, disp('Getting atlas subset with select_atlas_subset'); end

atlas_obj_to_add = select_atlas_subset(atlas_obj_to_add, varargin{:});
args = varargin(cellfun(@isvector, varargin) | cellfun(@iscell, varargin));
atlas_obj_to_add = select_atlas_subset(atlas_obj_to_add, args{:});


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atlas_obj_to_add.probability_maps(wh, :) = 0;

atlas_obj.probability_maps = [full(atlas_obj.probability_maps) full(atlas_obj_to_add.probability_maps)];
% concatenating sparse matrices first is much faster than converting to full and the
% concatenating full matrices so instead of doing a double conversion
% and concatenating, try concatenating sparse matricies if either of
% them are sparse and then converting to full
%atlas_obj.probability_maps = [full(atlas_obj.probability_maps) full(atlas_obj_to_add.probability_maps)];
if issparse(atlas_obj.probability_maps) || issparse(atlas_obj_to_add.probability_maps)
if ~issparse(atlas_obj.probability_maps)
atlas_obj.probability_maps = sparse(double(atlas_obj.probability_maps));
if ~issparse(atlas_obj_to_add.probability_maps)
atlas_obj_to_add.probability_maps = sparse(double(atlas_obj_to_add.probability_maps));
atlas_obj.probability_maps = full([atlas_obj.probability_maps atlas_obj_to_add.probability_maps]);

atlas_obj = probability_maps_to_region_index(atlas_obj);

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30 changes: 24 additions & 6 deletions CanlabCore/@atlas/select_atlas_subset.m
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% Options:
% 'flatten' : Flatten integer vector in .dat to a single 1/0 mask. Good for
% creating masks from combinations of regions, or adding a set to another
% atlas as a single atlas region. .probability_maps reduced to single max
% map
% atlas as a single atlas region. .probability_maps is reestimated as
% posterior probability of union of constituent regions under conditional
% independence assumption. If probability maps don't sum to 1 across voxels
% then conditional independence assumption is violated and we default to
% using the maximum probability instead.
% 'labels_2' : If you enter any field name in the object, e.g., labels_2,
% the function will search for keyword matches here instead of in obj.labels.
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% this is wrong. Consider, you could have a voxel that has 50%
% probability of being voxel A and 50% probability of being voxel B.
% the max value is %50, but the probability that it's one or the other
% must be 100%. Let's try assuming conditional independence instead.
% There are a number of assumptions we need to make for a better
% solution though, so let this be the default
obj_subset.probability_maps = max(obj_subset.probability_maps, [], 2);
% must be 100%. Let's check if it's safe to assume conditional
% independence instead.
% We don't know if the atlas labels are exhaustive, but if the sum of
% atlas label probabilities exceeds 1 we can conclude that P(A,B) ~=
% P(A) + P(B), because the total density must sum to 1 to be a valid
% probability measure. We check if probabilities exceed 1 with some
% tolerance to deal with floating point errors.
hasdata = any(obj.probability_maps,2);
tol = 1e-7;
if all(sum(obj.probability_maps(hasdata,:), 2) - 1 < tol)
obj_subset.probability_maps = sum(obj_subset.probability_maps, 2);
% we have evidence that probabilities are not conditionally
% independent
warning('Probabilities don''t sum to 1, so cannot assume condition independence. New map will use maximum probability instead of sum of probabilities.')
obj_subset.probability_maps = max(obj_subset.probability_maps, [], 2);

% Add labels for combined mask

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47 changes: 17 additions & 30 deletions CanlabCore/@brainpathway/brainpathway.m
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% Creating class instances
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% You can create an empty object by using:
% fmri_dat = fmri_data
% - fmri_dat is the object.
% - It will be created with a standard brain mask, brainmask.nii
% - This image should be placed on your Matlab path
% - The space information is stored in fmri_dat.volInfo
% - Data is stored in fmri_dat.dat, in a [voxels x images] matrix
% - You can replace or append data to the fmri_dat.dat field.
% You can create an object by assembling an image_vector object from parts
% (entering fields) and converting using fmri_obj = fmri_data(image_vec_obj)
% You can create an fmri_data object with extacted image data.
% - Let "imgs" be a string array or cell array of image names
% - This command creates an object with your (4-D) image data:
% - fmri_dat = fmri_data(imgs);
% - Images can be zipped (.gz) as well. fmri_data() will unpack them.
% - Only values in the standard brain mask, brainmask.nii, will be included.
% - This saves memory by reducing the number of voxels saved dramatically.
% You can specify any mask you'd like to extract data from.
% - Let "maskimagename" be a string array with a mask image name.
% - this command creates the object with data saved in the mask:
% - fmri_dat = fmri_data(imgs, maskimagename);
% - The mask information is saved in fmri_dat.mask
% e.g., this extracts data from images within the standard brain mask:
% dat = fmri_data(imgs, which('brainmask.nii'));
% b = brainpathways();
% You can assign optional inputs with the following fields, followed by
% data for the relevant field:
% - any atlas_class object
% 'voxel_dat'
% 'node_dat'
% 'region_dat'
% 'network_dat'
% 'partition_dat'
% 'node_weights'
% 'connectivity'
% 'connections_apriori'
% 'additional_info'
% Defining the space of the extracted data
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Note: There are two options for defining the space (i.e., coordinates/voxels)
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% allowable_inputs = properties(brainpathway)'; % should
% be row cell vector of property names. This is recursive if we
% do this though...
allowable_inputs = {'region_atlas' 'voxel_dat' 'node_dat' 'region_dat' 'network_dat' 'partition_dat' 'node_weights' 'connectivity' 'connections_apriori' 'additional_info'};
allowable_inputs = {'region_atlas' 'voxel_dat' 'node_dat' 'region_dat' 'network_dat' 'partition_dat' 'node_weights' 'connectivity' 'connections_apriori' 'additional_info'};

% optional inputs with default values - each keyword entered will create a variable of the same name

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switch class(varargin{i})

case 'atlas', obj.region_atlas = varargin{i}; % input_atlas = true;
case {'atlas'}, obj.region_atlas = varargin{i}; % input_atlas = true;

case 'char'
switch varargin{i}
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions CanlabCore/@fmri_data/plot.m
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allowable_inputs = {'plotmethod' 'doorthviews' 'dooutliers' 'dorunmeanmontages'};

keyword_inputs = {'noorthviews' 'nooutliers' 'norunmontages' 'montage' 'montages' 'means_for_unique_Y'};
keyword_inputs = {'noorthviews' 'nooutliers' 'norunmontages' 'nomontages' 'montage' 'montages' 'means_for_unique_Y'};

% optional inputs with default values - each keyword entered will create a variable of the same name

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case 'nooutliers', dooutliers = false;

case 'norunmontages', dorunmeanmontages = false;
case {'norunmontages', 'nomontages'}, dorunmeanmontages = false;

case {'montage' 'montages'}, plotmethod = 'montages'; % montages only

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switch plotmethod
% ==============================================================
case 'data'
% ==============================================================
% ==============================================================

if isempty(fmridat.dat)
warning('No data in .dat field.');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@

% ---------------------------------------------------------------
% Global mean vs. time
% Global mean vs. image series (i.e., time)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------
if size(fmridat.dat,2) > 1

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47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions CanlabCore/@fmri_data/rescale.m
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% *Note: these methods must exclude invalid (0 or
% NaN) voxels image-wise. Some images (but not others) in an
% object may be missing some voxels.
% - prctileimages - Convert image values to percentile scores. This
% normalizes the range and distribution of all
% images. It is like ranking but MUCH faster for
% images with many elements.
% - Normalize each image by number of valid values, so images in set
% will be on the same scale if some are missing voxels
% - l2norm_images divide each image by its l2 norm, multiply by sqrt(n valid voxels)
% - divide_by_csf_l2norm divide each image by CSF l2 norm. requires MNI space images for ok results!
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fmridat.history{end+1} = 'Ranked images (columns) across voxels';

case 'prctileimages'

res = 0.1;

newobj = fmridat;

for i = 1:size(fmridat.dat, 2)

d = fmridat.dat(:,i);

% Consider missing voxels, and exclude case-wise (image-wise)
ismissing = d == 0 | isnan(d);
d(ismissing) = NaN;

if ~all(d == 0 | isnan(d))

x = [-Inf prctile(d, 0:res:100)];

for j = 1:length(x) - 1

wh = d <= x(j + 1) & d > x(j);
newobj.dat(wh, i) = j;

end % bins

% normalize by number of valid values, so images in set
% will be on the same scale if some are missing voxels
d = d ./ length(d(~ismissing));

end % if image has values

end % images

newobj.dat(isnan(newobj.dat)) = 0; % Replace with 0 for compatibility with image format

fmridat = newobj;

fmridat.history{end+1} = 'Ranked images (columns) across voxels';

case 'centerimages'

% center images (observations)
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