The purpose of this program to convert from patients varients into FHIR json to the format that required by PharmCAT
This file was written by python, and the version is Python 3.7.6
In order to use this, all files need to be in a same directory. There are two files that required for running this program.
- PharmCAT conversion table (file name : "PharmCAT_0.7_conversions.csv" Contains the conversion between b37 SPDI to b38 SPDI
- PharmCat Template table (file name: "pharmcat.v0.7.0.template.vcf")
Also, at the end of this program, it requires PharmCAT installed to achieve a final report from PharmCAT. The installation and more informations about PharmCAT :
To run the program, use command line on a terminal: python3 FHIR_json_file_name
As an example, if the FHIR json file name is "NA162.CYP2C19.fhir.json", the command line should be:
$ python3 NA162.CYP2C19.fhir.json
After running this command line, new file : NA162.CYP2C19.fhir.json.vcf will be created in the same directory, adding the exact vcf file name after the following command line java -jar pharmcat-0.7.0-all.jar -vcf and -o output which will create new directory called output.
$ java -jar pharmcat-0.7.0-all.jar -vcf NA162.CYP2C19.fhir.json.vcf -o output
If all the process are successfully completed, PharmCAT report in HTML format will be in the output directory under same name as the previous vcf file.
Ex: NA162.CYP2C19.fhir.json.vcf.html