- create a c program that can create a new process by using fork
needs <unistd.h> for using fork
tree visualisation
parent || (fork) /\ / \ / \ (remaining parent code)<-parent \ \ child->(copy of parent code)
- create a c program that can create a new process in a child produced by a parent
tree visualisation
parent || (fork) /\ / \ / \ parent child ||(fork) /\ / \ parent child
- create a c program that takes takes an array of numbers and outputs only the even numbers
- visualization
parent -----(fork)-----> child
↑ ↓
arary[1,2,4] [2,4]
- create a c program that takes makes a threads to display a message
- need to use -lpthread after cc
cc threadmsg.c -lpthread
- create a c program that takes makes uses threads to print fibonacii series and primes numbers for numbers 0 to n
- need to use -lpthread after cc
cc threadmsg.c -lpthread
- create a c program that takes makes uses threads to solve the First Reader's Writer's Problem
- need to use -lpthread after cc
cc threadmsg.c -lpthread
- create a c program that takes makes uses threads to solve the First Reader's Writer's Problem
- need to use -lpthread after cc
cc threadmsg.c -lpthread
- create a c program
Codes are still incomplete. Contributions are welcome for adding more information to each program