A CLI password manager that stores your encrypted passwords on a thumb drive - away from any internet access.
- Clone the repository
- 'pip install' all the dependencies (pycryptodome, colorama, getpass)
- Change the 'path' variable in the 'save_load.py' file
- Execute the main.py file
You want an easy to remember password and don't save it? This tool replaces letters in a simple phrase to make it a secure password. example:
You remember: "Never gonna give you up",
you put this in the tool,
the tool puts this out and you use it as the password:
"9a+2md+2lmc4fh9a9a]]c4#!md+2)[fht5t5%6" -
A random password generator
Access passwords on the thumb drive
Store passwords on the thumb drive
Please commit issues on Git Hub if you find any. Also feel free to make a Pull request if you want.