I'm a software engineer, computer scientist, researcher, geek, and a spiritist!
- 👨🏼💻 I'm currently working as a Principal Member of Technical Staff on Oracle Health's Clinical Digital Assistant team at Oracle and some other personal apps projects.
- 🎓 I recently obtained my M.S. in Computer Science from UCCS and I'm currently pursuing my Ph.D. in Computer Science there too.
- 💾 My past work can be found at NeoTreks and Cacira.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning everything I can! 🤣
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on mobile apps development.
- 🥅 Goals: contribute more to open source projects.
- 💬 Ask me about anything.
- ⚡ Fun facts: I love to play guitar, drums, and World of Warcraft in my free time.
- ACSP4HR - SPDS (Secure and Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing for Data Science Computations)
- Final project demo of the CS 5920 class. Title: Homomorphic Encryption: What Is It and How Can It Help Secure Healthcare Systems
- Reinforcement learning projects
- ai-buddy - A terminal command in Go that is an AI tool to help solving problems using prompt engineering from a set of crowdsourced AI prompts.
- text_compress - A simple text compression command line tool made in Swift
- Weather - A weather app made in React Native using Open Meteo API.
- Weather - A weather app made in Flutter using Open Meteo API.
- weather - A simple terminal command made in Go to get the current weather conditions
- Wordle results - A simple app to help you store your Wordle or Nerdle game results history
- go-health-check - Website health checker written in Go
- TabNews (tabnews.com.br) CLI made with Go
- dropdown_formfield: Flutter package
- multiselect_formfield: Flutter package
- jpeg-hide: Python 3 program to hide text into JPEG images
- JavaScript demos
- Drawing the Sierpinski triangle in JavaScript and HTML Canvas
- AI/ML research and development.
- Full stack development with Node.JS, Python, React, Solid, Svelte, HTML, JS, CSS.
- Mobile app development using Flutter and Swift (iOS native).
- Agile project management.
- Databases like MySQL, Postgres, and MongoDB.
- Self-improvement and self-knowledge through Spiritism.