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Tom King edited this page Feb 14, 2019 · 9 revisions


Via commandbox

In CommandBox, ensure you've got the latest version of the cfwheels CLI - this is useful for installing plugins and running unit tests from the commandline.

$ install cfwheels-cli

Then simply create a directory, and run the install command:

$ mkdir myApp
$ cd myApp
$ install cfwheels-example-app


Download/Clone the repo. Unzip to a directory of your choice.

Start the server

Navigate to the root of the app and in commandbox, start the server by running start. Lucee 5 will be started by default. If you require Adobe Coldfusion 2016, you can use start exampleappACF which will load an alternative json file in the site root. Note: ACF will run on, where as the lucee version will run on so you can run them concurrently if you want. The following instructions are for the Lucee version.

Note: CFWheels tends to prefer mySQL Driver Version 5.1.40 - (See so that's definitely recommended. Later versions are currently very unpredictable.

You will get an error when the site initially loads, that's expected. We need to create a database and setup the datasource.

Creating a database

Setup a local mySQL database called exampleapp and ensure you've got a valid user account for it. Locally that's probably root. The example app is currently only tested with MySQL. To create a new schema using the MySQL command line, run the following command:

  • mysql> CREATE DATABASE exampleapp;

You could also use a GUI, e.g. MySQL Workbench

Adding the datasource

Login to the Lucee Administrator at /lucee/admin/server.cfm. As this is your first login, you will need to create a password for the administrator. Note, if you're logging into /CFIDE/administrator, the default password for the admin is commandbox.


Select Services > Datasource from the left hand column

Login Screen

Create a new mySQL datasource called exampleapp

Create Datasource

Fill in the database credentials

Database Credentials

On saving you should see a green check "OK"


Return to the site root. You'll get another error; again, that's cool. We need to run the database migrations.

Database Migrations

Navigate to

Select the Migrations Tab Migrations

Click Migrate to Latest Migrations2

Reload the application by visiting

Other Recommended Steps

  • In config/app.cfm
    • Change to something more unique
    • If using HTTPS change to true
    • Either remove or change the SMTP configuration at the bottom; set to port 25 localhost if running locally.
  • In config/settings.cfm
    • Change reloadPassword to something unique (and datasource name if required)
  • In events/onapplicationstart.cfm
    • Change application.encryptionKey to a new one (generate via generateSecretKey("AES"))