Husin Muhammad Assegaff
the thing I have chosen is jar
Top Front | Top Right | Top Rear | Top Left |
- The application consists of HTML, JavaScript and CSS (optional) files.
- The application contains only one Canvas.
- The JavaScript application comprises the definition of vertices that embody the shape of the object photographed in the previous assignment: Select two of the four photos.
- The definition of vertex includes position (x, y) and color (r, g, b) as represented on the selected photos.
- The shape as shown on one of the selected photos is rendered on the left side of the Canvas: Located in the clip space between X = -1.0 and X = 0.0 axes.
- The shape as shown in another selected photo is rendered on the right side of the Canvas: Located in the clip space between X = 0.0 and X = 1.0 axes.
- The rendering result on the right side of the Canvas is animated vertically, bouncing back between the top and the bottom walls of the Canvas, with a speed of 0.0xxx units, where xxx is the last three digits of the NRP.
the results of my work can be seen here
- Create a 3D definition of the object being photographed in your very first assignment.
- Draw the object twice—on the left and on the right half of the canvas—with the two perspectives corresponding to the two photos selected in the previous assignment.
- Add a little cube in the center of canvas, right between the two objects.
- Set the cube to glow white and become a light source.
- Add an ambient effect with an intensity of to both objects, where the value of abc is the last three digits of your Student ID plus 200.
- Add a diffuse effect to both objects.
- Add a plastic specular effect for the left object.
- Add a metal specular effect for the object on the right.
- Set the cube so that it can be moved upward with the W key-button and downward with the S key-button.
- Set the camera to move leftward and rightward linearly (not orbitally) using the A and D key-buttons.
the results of my work can be seen here