Example application using adminjs
You can check out the current demo version at: https://adminjs-demo.herokuapp.com
login: [email protected]
password: password
Install Docker if you don't have it: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/#download-and-install
$ docker-compose up -d
to setup databases.
Make sure your .env
file is configured. If you didn't do any changes to docker-compose.yml
the default contents of the .env
file should work for you.
First, install all dependencies
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
Make sure you have all environmental variables set up (read the previous paragraph).
Then create postgres database and run migrations:
$ npx prisma generate # # this sets up Prisma Client in your node_modules
$ yarn migration:up
Note: If you see the error below when Prisma MySQL migration is run:
Error: P1017: Server has closed the connection.
Please wait a minute or two for the MySQL server to start and retry.
In the end, you can launch the app
$ yarn build:watch # keep it running if developing
$ yarn start:dev # in a separate terminal tab, concurrently
By default the app will be available under: http://localhost:3000/admin
The best way of developing the app is to do this via https://github.com/SoftwareBrothers/adminjs-dev.
Alternatively, you can fork and clone each repository separately and link them using:
yarn link
npm link
to see your local changes.
yarn sequelize migration:generate --name init
yarn sequelize db:migrate
yarn sequelize db:migrate:undo
yarn typeorm migration:generate -n init
yarn typeorm migration:run
yarn typeorm migration:revert
yarn mikro-orm migration:create
yarn mikro-orm migration:up
yarn mikro-orm migration:down
npx prisma migrate dev --schema prisma/schema.prisma
AdminJS is Copyright © 2022 SoftwareBrothers.co. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.