Release July 2015
Fibernavigator with advanced rendering options such as:
-Orientation-dependent opacity rendering of fibers (Tax et al. 2014, ISMRM)
-Real-time fiber tractography (Chamberland et al. 2014, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics)
-Real-time resting-state fMRI (Chamberland et al. 2015, ISMRM Toronto)
-Tractography-driven resting-state fMRI (Chamberland et al. 2015, Frontiers in Neuroscience)
Easy step-by-step guide for opacity-rendering:
- Load fa.nii (see
- Load subsamp.tck (streamlines dataset)
- Click on top menu "fibers -> use transparent fibers"
- The different menu option (alpha values, local vs global modes, opacity functions, etc) can be found on the properties panel of the streamlines dataset.
Easy step-by-step guide for real-time fiber tractography:
Coming soon.
Easy step-by-step guide for real-time resting-state fMRI:
Coming soon.