Amazon = Apni Dukaan Coding Blocks = Sabki Dukaan
Create DB, User
$ sudo -u postgress createuser dukaandar
$ sudo -u postgres createdb dukaandb
$ sudo -u postgres psql
Give user a password, grant db privileges
psql=# alter user dukaandar with encrypted password 'taalaachaabi';
psql=# grant all privileges on database dukaandb to dukaandar ;
Save these values to config.js
Detailed source documentation in the docs folder
Detailed API docs in the api docs folder
To Generate docs -
npm run docs
├── config.js # Configs (eg, DB)
├── dist # Compiled JS code
├── docs # Autogenerated docs (good quality)
├── node_modules
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── src # Typescript source
├── tsconfig.json # Typescript build config
└── tslint.json
Our usual request handling cycle would be like this -
Using transactions is optional (not used everywhere)
route.get('/', (req, res, next) => {
.then((findOpts) => getAllProducts(findOpts)
.then((products) => res.status(200).json(products))
.catch((dbErr) => res.status(500).json(dbErr)))
.catch((invalidErr) => res.status(400).json(invalidErr))
├── controllers # All controllers
│ └── data # Data controllers
│ └── products.ts # Product-related controllers
├── db # Everything related to db
│ ├── index.ts # Sequelize setup and sync file (import all models into this)
│ └── models # Models go here
│ ├── Product.ts # Product model (for eg.)
│ └── Tax.ts # Tax model (for eg.)
├── routes # All Routes
│ └── api # API routes
│ ├── index.ts # Import all API routes here
│ └── products.ts # API route for /api/products
├── server.ts # Server creation file, exports express app
├── start.ts # Express app imported and started here
└── validators # All validators here
└── api # API-related validators here
└── products.ts # Product request validators here