Creates Excel spreadsheet utilising metadata stored in text files
Download Excel file under releases:
Copy and paste the code per "m000_EntryPoints.bas" into an Excel VBA editor of a new workbook
Add references for
- Microsoft scripting runtime
- Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Extensibility 5.3
Run the GenerateSpreadsheet sub
Code can be tested by running and selecting the ExampleSpreadsheetMetadata folder included in this repository.
Creates an Excel spreadsheet from metadata saved in text files
Below code can be copied and pasted into the Excel VBA editor in a temporary spreadsheet and then run to create the target spreadsheet
Target spreadsheet can contain one or more below
- Multiple worksheets
- Single list object per sheet
- Each sheet can contain sheet header
- Each sheet can contain sheet category
- Front index sheet with hyperlink (if target workbook consists of more than one sheet)
- VBA code modules
- Power Queries
The metadata is saved in pipe delimited text files stored in below Folders:
|--- PowerQueries (one file per query with .m file extension)
|--- VBA_Code (one file per VBA module with .bas file extension)
|--- WorksheetStructure
|--- ListObjectFields.txt
|--- ListObjectFieldValues.txt
|--- ListObjectFormat.txt
|--- MetadataWorksheets.txt
The files under WorksheetStructure folder above are pipe delimited text files
- SheetName
- ListObjectName
- ListObjectHeader
- IsFormula
- Formula
- SheetName
- ListObjectName
- ListObjectHeader
- Value
- SheetName
- ListObjectName
- ListObjectHeader
- NumberFormat
- FontColour
- Name
- Sheet Category
- Sheet Header
- Table Name
- Number Of Table Columns
- Number of Table Rows
- Table top left cell