Jenkins plugin to run dynamic slaves in a Kubernetes/Docker environment.
Based on the Scaling Docker with Kubernetes article, automates the scaling of Jenkins slaves running in Kubernetes.
The plugin creates a Kubernetes Pod for each slave started, defined by the Docker image to run, and stops it after each build.
Slaves are launched using JNLP, so it is expected that the image connects automatically to the Jenkins master. For that some environment variables are automatically injected:
: Jenkins web interface urlJENKINS_JNLP_URL
: url for the jnlp definition of the specific slaveJENKINS_SECRET
: the secret key for authenticationJENKINS_NAME
: the name of the Jenkins agent
Tested with jenkinsci/jnlp-slave
see the Docker image source code.
Nodes can be defined in a pipeline and then used
podTemplate(label: 'mypod', containers: [
containerTemplate(name: 'maven', image: 'maven:3.3.9-jdk-8-alpine', ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat'),
containerTemplate(name: 'golang', image: 'golang:1.6.3-alpine', ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat')
volumes: [secretVolume(secretName: 'shared-secrets', mountPath: '/etc/shared-secrets')]) {
node ('mypod') {
stage 'Get a Maven project'
git ''
container('maven') {
stage 'Build a Maven project'
sh 'mvn clean install'
stage 'Get a Golang project'
git url: ''
container('golang') {
stage 'Build a Go project'
sh """
mkdir -p /go/src/
ln -s `pwd` /go/src/
cd /go/src/ && make core-dev
The jnlp agent image used can be customized by adding it to the template
containerTemplate(name: 'jnlp', image: 'jenkinsci/jnlp-slave:2.62-alpine', args: '${computer.jnlpmac} ${}'),
When configuring a container in a pipeline podTemplate the following options are available:
podTemplate(label: 'mypod', containers: [
name: 'mariadb',
image: 'mariadb:10.1',
ttyEnabled: true,
command: 'cat'
privileged: false,
alwaysPullImage: false,
workingDir: '/home/jenkins',
args: '',
instanceCap: 1,
resourceRequestCpu: '50m',
resourceLimitCpu: '100m',
resourceRequestMemory: '100Mi',
resourceLimitMemory: '200Mi',
envVars: [
containerEnvVar(key: 'MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD', value: 'true'),
volumes: [
emptyDirVolume(mountPath: '/etc/mount1', memory: false),
secretVolume(mountPath: '/etc/mount2', secretName: 'my-secret'),
configMapVolume(mountPath: '/etc/mount3', configMapName: 'my-config'),
hostPathVolume(mountPath: '/etc/mount4', hostPath: '/mnt/my-mount'),
nfsVolume(mountPath: '/etc/mount5', serverAddress: '', serverPath: '/', readOnly: true),
persistentVolumeClaim(mountPath: '/etc/mount6', claimName: 'myClaim', readOnly: true)
]) {
Multiple containers can be defined in a pod.
One of them must run the Jenkins JNLP agent service, with args ${computer.jnlpmac} ${}
as it will be the container acting as Jenkins agent.
Other containers must run a long running process, so the container does not exit. If the default entrypoint or command
just runs something and exit then it should be overriden with something like cat
with ttyEnabled: true
Create a cluster
gcloud container clusters create jenkins --num-nodes 1 --machine-type g1-small
and note the admin password and server certitifate.
Or use Google Developer Console to create a Container Engine cluster, then run
gcloud container clusters get-credentials jenkins
kubectl config view --raw
the last command will output kubernetes cluster configuration including API server URL, admin password and root certificate
To inspect the json messages sent back and forth to the Kubernetes API server you can configure
a new Jenkins log recorder for org.apache.http
Run mvn clean package
and copy target/kubernetes.hpi
to Jenkins plugins folder.
Docker image for Jenkins, with plugin installed. Based on the official image.
docker run --rm --name jenkins -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v /var/jenkins_home csanchez/jenkins-kubernetes
A local testing cluster with one node can be created with minukube
minikube start
Then create the Jenkins ReplicationController and Service with
kubectl create -f ./src/main/kubernetes/minikube.yml
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=kubernetes-plugin
Assuming you created a Kubernetes cluster named jenkins
this is how to run both Jenkins and slaves there.
Create a GCE disk named kubernetes-jenkins
to store the data.
gcloud compute disks create --size 20GB kubernetes-jenkins
Creating all the elements and setting the default namespace
kubectl create -f ./src/main/kubernetes/gke.yml
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=kubernetes-plugin
Connect to the ip of the network load balancer created by Kubernetes, port 80.
Get the ip (in this case
) with kubectl describe services/jenkins
(it may take a bit to populate)
$ kubectl describe services/jenkins
Name: jenkins
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Selector: name=jenkins
Type: LoadBalancer
LoadBalancer Ingress:
Port: http 80/TCP
NodePort: http 30080/TCP
Port: slave 50000/TCP
NodePort: slave 32081/TCP
Session Affinity: None
No events.
Until Kubernetes 1.4 removes the SNATing of source ips, seems that CSRF (enabled by default in Jenkins 2)
needs to be configured to avoid WARNING: No valid crumb was included in request
This can be done checking Enable proxy compatibility under Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security
Configure Jenkins, adding the Kubernetes
cloud under configuration, setting
Kubernetes URL to the container engine cluster endpoint or simply https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local
Under credentials, click Add
and select Kubernetes Service Account
or alternatively use the Kubernetes API username and password. Select 'Certificate' as credentials type if the
kubernetes cluster is configured to use client certificates for authentication.
You may want to set Jenkins URL
to the internal service IP,
in this case,
to connect through the internal network.
Set Container Cap
to a reasonable number for tests, i.e. 3.
Add an image with
- Docker image:
- Jenkins slave root directory:
Now it is ready to be used.
Tearing it down
kubectl delete namespace/kubernetes-plugin
docker build -t csanchez/jenkins-kubernetes .