UTIL: https://docs.sui.io/build/install#install-sui-binaries
aptos init
cd Bridge
sui move build
cd Bridge
sui client publish
const pendingTransaction = await aptosUtils.signAndSubmit('PRIVATE OR MEMOIC', {
"function": `0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridge_v1::initialize`,
"type_arguments": [],
"arguments": [
"APT", // Chain Name
"1000000000", // USDC number of dollars for calculating bridge fee in APT
"0" // percentage of CDT fees on each bridging
You need to bear in mind that tokens on EVM generally have 18 decimals, whereas the maximum number of decimals possible on Aptos is 8.
Be sure to take this information into account for every transfer from one blockchain to another.
Here's an example with two solutions, although I recommend solution two to avoid any manipulation.
// 100000000 = 1 CDT on aptos
// 1000000000000000000 = 1 CDT on EVM
// EVM to APTOS => 1000000000000000000/10000000000 = 100000000
// APTOS to EVM => 100000000 * 10000000000 = 1000000000000000000
// Possibility 1:
(EVMBridgedAmount) => EVMBridgedAmount / 10000000000;
// Possibility 2: (10 integer numbers to be erased)
// exemple ->
["1000000000000000000"].map(v => v.slice(0, v.length - 10))[0]
// function ->
(EVMBridgedAmount) => [EVMBridgedAmount].map(v => v.slice(0, v.length - 10))[0]
// ----
// APTOS vers EVM
// Possibility 1:
(APTOSBridgedAmount) => APTOSBridgedAmount * 10000000000;
// Possibility 2: (add 10 integer numbers at the end)
// exemple ->
["100000000"].map(v => v + [...Array(10)].map(()=>'0').join(''))[0]
// function ->
(APTOSBridgedAmount) => [APTOSBridgedAmount].map(v => v + [...Array(10)].map(()=>'0').join(''))[0]
Example of deposit 9897808 CDT:
const pendingTransaction = await aptosUtils.signAndSubmit('PRIVATE OR MEMOIC', {
"function": `0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridge_v1::deposit`,
"type_arguments": [],
"arguments": ["989780800000000"]
The bridge Liquidity is locked. You can ask_withdraw and 48hours after during 15 days period you can withdraw. This functionnality is only for upgrade bridge on new version contract. Stay tuned on projects news who use this protocol of bridging.
const pendingTransaction = await aptosUtils.signAndSubmit('PRIVATE OR MEMOIC', {
"function": `0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridge_v1::ask_withdraw`,
"type_arguments": [],
"arguments": []
// 48hours after you can withdraw like this
const pendingTransaction = await aptosUtils.signAndSubmit('PRIVATE OR MEMOIC', {
"function": `0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridge_v1::withdraw`,
"type_arguments": [],
"arguments": ["989780800000000"]
Example of user bridge 1 CDT to BSC network
const feesInAPT = await aptosUtils.view({
"function": `0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridge_v1::get_fees_in_apt`,
"type_arguments": ["0xf22bede237a07e121b56d91a491eb7bcdfd1f5907926a9e58338f964a01b17fa::asset::USDC"],
"arguments": []
const pendingTransaction = await aptosUtils.signAndSubmit('PRIVATE OR MEMOIC', {
"function": `0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridge_v1::init_transfer`,
"type_arguments": ['0xf22bede237a07e121b56d91a491eb7bcdfd1f5907926a9e58338f964a01b17fa::asset::USDC'],
"arguments": [
(Number(feesInAPT) + 1000).toFixed(0), // 10 USD in APT
'100000000', // 1 CDT
'BSC', // Destination Chain Name
'0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' // DATA (Destination Address)
let lastsTenTransactions = await aptosUtils.view({
"function": "0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridge_v1::get_last_transfers",
"type_arguments": [],
"arguments": ["10"]
// here Check the hashs and compare with already transfered on destination chain
// make your transfer on the destination chain.
Warning before any transfer of your token to unknown address. Please to be sure the destination address have authorized token. If not the transaction should be failed (No TOKEN is losed).
// here check your others bridge networks if one transaction is destinated for APT
aptDestinationTx = ...; // example
const tx = {
"function": `${bridgeAddress}::add_transfers_from`,
"type_arguments": [],
"arguments": [aptDestinationTx.fromChainName, aptDestinationTx.data, EVMQuantityToAptosQuantity(aptDestinationTx.quantity), aptDestinationTx.hash]
const pendingTransaction = await aptosUtils.signAndSubmit('PRIVATE OR MEMOIC', tx);
0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridge 0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridgeTwo 0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridgeThree 0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridgeFour 0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridgeFive 0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridgeSix
0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f::checkdot_bridge_v1 TraceMove Link: https://tracemove.io/account/0xb366c7c4521277846a7fee4f3bcc92c435089537d30390d8854ca31addfbae4f?tab=modules&moduleName=checkdot_bridge_v1&type=1
- Jeremy Guyet
- SunlightLuck