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merge amars convective model to canoe (#2)
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- add four condensable species
- works for ~10 days without CO2
- CO2 breaks
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cometz95 authored and chengcli committed Jun 14, 2024
1 parent 311855d commit 828ee91
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Showing 11 changed files with 871 additions and 1 deletion.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions cmake/amars.cmake
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# configure file for rad unit test case

macro(SET_IF_EMPTY _variable)
if("${${_variable}}" STREQUAL "")
set(${_variable} ${ARGN})

# athena variables
set_if_empty(NUMBER_GHOST_CELLS 3)

# canoe configure
set(NVAPOR 4)
set(NCLOUD 8)
set(MPI ON)
set(RSOLVER lmars)
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions examples/2024-CMetz-amars/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

# 1. Compile amars

# 2. Copy input files to run directory
file(GLOB inputs *.inp *.yaml)
foreach(input ${inputs})
213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions examples/2024-CMetz-amars/amars.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
// athena
#include <athena/athena.hpp>
#include <athena/athena_arrays.hpp>
#include <athena/bvals/bvals.hpp>
#include <athena/coordinates/coordinates.hpp>
#include <athena/eos/eos.hpp>
#include <athena/field/field.hpp>
#include <athena/hydro/hydro.hpp>
#include <athena/mesh/mesh.hpp>
#include <athena/parameter_input.hpp>

// application
#include <application/application.hpp>
#include <application/exceptions.hpp>

// canoe
#include <impl.hpp>
#include <index_map.hpp>

// climath
#include <climath/core.h>
#include <climath/interpolation.h>

// snap
#include <snap/thermodynamics/thermodynamics.hpp>

// harp
#include <harp/radiation.hpp>

// special includes
#include <special/amars_enroll_vapor_functions_v1.hpp>

Real grav, P0, T0, Tmin;
int iH2O, iCO2, iH2S, iSO2;

void MeshBlock::InitUserMeshBlockData(ParameterInput *pin) {
AllocateUserOutputVariables(4 + NVAPOR);
SetUserOutputVariableName(0, "temp");
SetUserOutputVariableName(1, "theta");
SetUserOutputVariableName(2, "thetav");
SetUserOutputVariableName(3, "mse");
for (int n = 1; n <= NVAPOR; ++n) {
std::string name = "rh" + std::to_string(n);
SetUserOutputVariableName(3 + n, name.c_str());

void MeshBlock::UserWorkBeforeOutput(ParameterInput *pin) {
auto pthermo = Thermodynamics::GetInstance();

for (int k = ks; k <= ke; ++k)
for (int j = js; j <= je; ++j)
for (int i = is; i <= ie; ++i) {
user_out_var(0, k, j, i) = pthermo->GetTemp(this, k, j, i);
user_out_var(1, k, j, i) = pthermo->PotentialTemp(this, P0, k, j, i);
// theta_v
user_out_var(2, k, j, i) =
user_out_var(1, k, j, i) * pthermo->RovRd(this, k, j, i);
// mse
user_out_var(3, k, j, i) =
pthermo->MoistStaticEnergy(this, grav * pcoord->x1v(i), k, j, i);
for (int n = 1; n <= NVAPOR; ++n)
user_out_var(3 + n, k, j, i) =
pthermo->RelativeHumidity(this, n, k, j, i);

void Forcing(MeshBlock *pmb, Real const time, Real const dt,
AthenaArray<Real> const &w, AthenaArray<Real> const &r,
AthenaArray<Real> const &bcc, AthenaArray<Real> &du,
AthenaArray<Real> &s) {
int is = pmb->is, js = pmb->js, ks = pmb->ks;
int ie = pmb->ie, je = pmb->je, ke = pmb->ke;
auto pthermo = Thermodynamics::GetInstance();

for (int k = ks; k <= ke; ++k)
for (int j = js; j <= je; ++j)
for (int i = is; i <= ie; ++i) {
auto &&air = AirParcelHelper::gather_from_primitive(pmb, k, j, i);

Real cv = pthermo->GetCvMass(air, 0);

// if (w(IPR, k, j, i) < prad) {
// du(IEN, k, j, i) += dt * hrate * w(IDN, k, j, i) * cv *
// (1. + 1.E-4 * sin(2. * M_PI * rand() /
// RAND_MAX));
// }

// if (air.w[IDN] < Tmin) {
// u(IEN,k,j,i) += w(IDN,k,j,i)*cv*(Tmin - temp)/sponge_tau*dt;
// }

void Mesh::InitUserMeshData(ParameterInput *pin) {
grav = -pin->GetReal("hydro", "grav_acc1");

P0 = pin->GetReal("problem", "P0");
T0 = pin->GetReal("problem", "T0");

Tmin = pin->GetReal("problem", "Tmin");

// index
auto pindex = IndexMap::GetInstance();
iH2O = pindex->GetVaporId("H2O");
iCO2 = pindex->GetVaporId("CO2");
iH2S = pindex->GetVaporId("H2S");
iSO2 = pindex->GetVaporId("SO2");

void MeshBlock::ProblemGenerator(ParameterInput *pin) {
srand(Globals::my_rank + time(0));

Application::Logger app("main");
app->Log("ProblemGenerator: amars_crm");

auto pthermo = Thermodynamics::GetInstance();

// mesh limits
Real x1min = pmy_mesh->mesh_size.x1min;
Real x1max = pmy_mesh->mesh_size.x1max;

// request temperature and pressure
app->Log("request T", T0);
app->Log("request P", P0);

// thermodynamic constants
Real gamma = pin->GetReal("hydro", "gamma");
Real Rd = pthermo->GetRd();
Real cp = gamma / (gamma - 1.) * Rd;

// set up an adiabatic atmosphere
int max_iter = 400, iter = 0;
Real Ttol = pin->GetOrAddReal("problem", "init_Ttol", 0.01);

AirParcel air(AirParcel::Type::MoleFrac);

// estimate surface temperature and pressure
Real Ts = T0 - grav / cp * x1min;
Real Ps = P0 * pow(Ts / T0, cp / Rd);
Real xH2O = pin->GetReal("problem", "qH2O.ppmv") / 1.E6;
Real xCO2 = pin->GetReal("problem", "qCO2.ppmv") / 1.E6;
Real xH2S = pin->GetReal("problem", "qH2S.ppmv") / 1.E6;
Real xSO2 = pin->GetReal("problem", "qSO2.ppmv") / 1.E6;

while (iter++ < max_iter) {
// read in vapors
air.w[iH2O] = xH2O;
air.w[iCO2] = xCO2;
air.w[iH2S] = xH2S;
air.w[iSO2] = xSO2;
air.w[IPR] = Ps;
air.w[IDN] = Ts;

// stop at just above P0
for (int i = is; i <= ie; ++i) {
pthermo->Extrapolate(&air, pcoord->dx1f(i),
Thermodynamics::Method::PseudoAdiabat, grav);
if (air.w[IPR] < P0) break;

// make up for the difference
Ts += T0 - air.w[IDN];
if (std::abs(T0 - air.w[IDN]) < Ttol) break;

app->Log("Iteration #", iter);
app->Log("T", air.w[IDN]);

if (iter > max_iter) {
throw RuntimeError("ProblemGenerator", "maximum iteration reached");

// construct atmosphere from bottom up
for (int k = ks; k <= ke; ++k)
for (int j = js; j <= je; ++j) {
air.w[iH2O] = xH2O;
air.w[iCO2] = xCO2;
air.w[iH2S] = xH2S;
air.w[iSO2] = xSO2;
air.w[IPR] = Ps;
air.w[IDN] = Ts;

// half a grid to cell center
pthermo->Extrapolate(&air, pcoord->dx1f(is) / 2.,
Thermodynamics::Method::PseudoAdiabat, grav);

int i = is;
for (; i <= ie; ++i) {
if (air.w[IDN] < Tmin) break;
air.w[IVX] = 0.1 * sin(2. * M_PI * rand() / RAND_MAX);
AirParcelHelper::distribute_to_conserved(this, k, j, i, air);
pthermo->Extrapolate(&air, pcoord->dx1f(i),
Thermodynamics::Method::PseudoAdiabat, grav,

// Replace adiabatic atmosphere with isothermal atmosphere if temperature
// is too low
for (; i <= ie; ++i) {
AirParcelHelper::distribute_to_conserved(this, k, j, i, air);
pthermo->Extrapolate(&air, pcoord->dx1f(i),
Thermodynamics::Method::Isothermal, grav);

peos->ConservedToPrimitive(phydro->u, phydro->w, pfield->b, phydro->w,
pfield->bcc, pcoord, is, ie, j, j, k, k);

pimpl->prad->CalFlux(this, k, j, is, ie + 1);

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