This repository comprises a set of vim configurations and plugins of my daily work. Currently, I am using Python and LaTeX.
The following software packages need to be already installed on your system:
- VIM (>= 8.0) with python3 support enabled
- python3 (e.g. via (mini/ana)conda) + pip3: must be accessible via shell
Initialize the ~/.vim directory and download / clone all the plugins listed below:
Created a %HOME% environment variable and point that to c:\Users\<yourname>. The vim configurations and plugins will be installed to that directory.
Initialize the ~/vimfiles directory and download / clone all the plugins listed below from a cmd shell:
Currently, the following configuration files need to be linked / copied:
- vimrc
- gvimrc
- flake8
Link the vim configuration files in the home directory:
cd configs
Again, make sure that you created the %HOME% environment variable (see above).
Since linking is not possible in Windows, the configuration files have to be copied:
cd configs
- pathogen: vim package manager
- NERDTree
- CtrlP: fast finding of files
- Vim airline: sophisticated statusline
- Ultisnips: snippet manager + templates
- fugitive: git management
- tcomment: source code comments
- jedi-vim: Python autocompletion
- lint engine
- flake8 (actually a Python package)
- PEP8 Indentation