This is a modified version of iSpindel drawer proposed in PCB format instead of 3d print. The project is available at: Two folder for different pcb solution (short and long pcb)
select iSpindel- smd for download file and instruction thanks for your donation
select iSpindel- smd for download file and instruction thanks for your donation
PCB for PETlng 122mm / d33mm for iSpindel project (electronic Hydrometer)
- 1 Plastic cylinder (
- 1 resistor 4k7ohm (included on iSpindel_Gyro)
- 1 resistor 220kohm (included on iSpindel_Gyro)
- 1 diode BAT43 (included on iSpindel_Gyro)
- 1 Wemos D1 mini v3
- 1 Gy-521 Gyro & Acceleration Sensor (MPU-6050 (included on iSpindel_Gyro)
- 1 Temperature Sensor (DS18B20)
- 1 TP4056 Lipo Charger micro USB 4 pin (mini USB is bigger)
- 1 microswitch SK12D07VG3 ( )
For assembly see silkscreen on both layer. Please mount only male pins, while to fix the battery need solder on short iron on both poles Assembly instructions: