An example of refactored source code following the guidelines contained in chapter 2 "Meaningful names" of the book "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship" by Robert C. Martin (known as Uncle Bob). This example has been created for my blog post Clean Code: meaningful names.
This repository contains an example of source code refactored following the advices of Uncle Bob. By applying his set of rules for naming the code quality increase in terms of readability and cleanliness. Below an article quote about clean code and what it means to me:
I always cared about the software I developed. I also always though that what makes a real professional software developer is how much he/she care about the software he/she is creating: the approch to the problem, the attention to details in code, the passion put into creating every single line of code, the focus on the mission to solve his/her customer problems with your software. When I started to work at group I discovered that I’m not the only one to think about software development in this way. In fact an entire new approch to software developement has been create by Robert Cecil Martin, known as “Uncle Bob” and famous also to be the guy that invented the SOLID principles. The name of this new approch to software development is clean code.
Click here to read the post.