996工作制一周工作72小时(12·6).根据《劳动法》规定,常规每天不超过8小时,每周不超过44小时. 19世纪芝加哥工人运动时工作时间在每天14-16小时,现有996工作制仅比当时低一点点. 当时的资本家说过这样一句话,或许与他们宣扬的福报异曲同工.难道只有经历秣市惨案,才能赢得8小时工作制吗.
- 🔭 反对996,反对压迫
- 🌱 反对996压迫的目的为了全民族未来和自己家庭幸福
- 👯 人权,<中华人民共和国宪法>,<中华人民共和国劳动法>
- 🤔 维护中华民族的尊严,工人阶级的未来.
- 💬 send message to me [email protected]
- You can verify certificates click here
- You can download public key click here
- If you want to apply for the authorization of your documents, send your documents and apply.xml documents to the [email protected]. This is application template.
- There is a web page that help you Generate apply.xm click here
A demo of apply.xml
1.This file name must be apply.xml.
2.Each item can only contain numbers, characters, !, @, #, $, %,/,=,*,+,-, ?, .,blank space,comma.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">
<comment>2</comment><!-- This tag cannot be deleted -->
<entry key="country">US </entry><!-- you country name,you can fill full name -->
<entry key="fileName">demo file</entry><!-- you file name -->
<entry key="author">your name</entry><!-- you full name or nick name -->
<entry key="signAlg">signature algorithm names</entry>
signature algorithm that you choose ,such as MD5,SHA256 and so on.
If you have multiple signatures, you must define their format.You can use any format.
eg. If the value of signAlg is "MD5&&SHA2" ,so the value of signature must be <MD5 code>&&<sha2 code>.
<entry key="signature">signature code</entry><!-- signature code that you calculated. -->
<entry key="content">no content</entry><!-- You can fill in the abstract of your document. You may fill in after encoding with base64 -->
<entry key="expiration">2012.6.3-2023.3.3</entry><!-- must be yyyy.mm.dd-yyyy.mm.dd -->
<entry key="other">no other</entry><!-- Optional filling -->
- BTC(Bitcion Mainnet):
- ETH(Ethereum ERC20):
- USDT(Ethereum ERC20):
- DOGE(Dogecoin Mainnet):