Separates a files front matter from its content. Unlike Jekyll and others this implementation is format agnostic.
Front matter is metadata you can add to a document. The data is located between a pair of ---
lines at the start of a document. With this parser the format can be any format you would like.
The front matter
The content
A more practical and complicated example using YAML front matter with Liquid to generate some HTMLc ould look like below.
layout: post
title: Blogging Like a Hacker
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<p>This is the content.</p>
One of the most common, but not the only, uses for front matter is to use this with Liquid (crystal implementation), or a similar templating language.
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: chris-huxtable/
require "front_matter"
To process a file:"/path/to/file") { |front_matter, content_io|
# Do something with the front matter and content.
# Parse the front matter as YAML, JSON or something else?
Alternatively you can parse an IO
so long as it supports the
method, "r") { |fd|
FrontMatter.parse(fd) { |front_matter, content_io|
# Do something with the front matter and content.
# Parse the front matter as YAML, JSON or something else?
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- Chris Huxtable - creator, maintainer