@mcvx begin
x = var()
minimize((x - 1)^2)
result: x = 1.0
u = randn(100)
@mcvx begin
x = var(100);
minimize(sum((x*x' - u*u').^2))
result: x = u
abstract MCExpr type of expressions supports operations: show +, -, *
function mcvx_begin() initializes an mcvx model
function var() function var(dim1::Int64) function var(dim1::Int64, dim2::Int64) produces a new variable in an mcvx scope, or an array of such variables
function minimize(expr::MCExpr) function maximize(expr::MCExpr) provides an objective for the problem
function solver_coorddesc(numiters::Int64, step_size::Float64) selects the first-order coordinate descent solver (default)
function solver_newton(numiters::Int64) function solver_newton(numiters::Int64, alpha::Float64) selects the second-order (newton's method) coordinate descent solver
function init_zero() specifies to initialize the problem variable to zero
function init_randn() specifies to initialize the problem variable with randn
function mcvx_end() finishes the mcvx model and solves the problem
function resolve(expr::MCExpr) after mcvx_end called, returns the value of a variable in the solution
macro var(symbol, dims...) wrapper around the var(...) function that gives the variable a name in the displayed version of the expression
macro mcvx(block) automatically wraps the block in appropriate mcvx_begin() and mcvx_end() statements, and automatically generates resolve(...) calls at the end to places the variables back into local scope