A utility for finding an Element's immediate parent in its tree. Useful for when you want to remove or replace an Element in the tree.
If you want to find every ancestor of an Element, rather than just its immediate parent, unist-util-visit-parents is likely a better fit.
This package exports a single function findParent
Finds the immediate parent of the passed element
in the passed tree
The immediate Parent of the passed element.
This could be tree
import { h } from 'hastscript';
import { findParent } from 'hast-util-find-parent';
const element = h('h1', 'Hello, world!');
const tree = h('root',
h('article', [element])
findParent(element, tree)
type: 'element',
tagName: 'article',
properties: {},
children: [
type: 'element',
tagName: 'h1',
properties: {},
children: [Array]