- ipa_kifz_data: contains an exemplary test dataset
- ipa_kifz_description: robot cell layouts in URDF format and robot calibration
- ipa_kifz_gazebo: Gazebo models and environment
- ipa_kifz_moveit_config: Moveit Configuration for the robot cell
- ipa_kifz_viewplanning: RL algorithms and learning scripts. Additional helper classes as a Custom Logger and Workpiece Handler
- openai_ros: Customized and heavily refactored version of the OpenAI Ros Library
- project_kifz: Meta Package. Build the project via
catkin build project_kifz
- training_results: Contains the experimental results
- Ubuntu 20.04 (Virtual Machine or native)
- ROS Noetic. Follow this installation instructions
- Set Python 3 as default:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.8 10
. - Install:
sudo apt install python3-pip
- Recommended, but not necessary: catkin_tools https://catkin-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installing.html. Install missing libraries with pip.
sudo apt-get install python3-catkin-tools
sudo apt install python3-catkin-lint python3-pip
pip3 install osrf-pycommon
- Install rosdep as described here
- The file
has been generated by pipreqs. Though its completeness is not guarenteed, all dependencies can be installed withpip install -r requirements.txt
. OpenAI Gym has been installed from source as described below.
- Create a ROS workspace in your home directory by executing
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
,cd catkin_ws
andcatkin init
- Clone this repository via
git clone https://github.com/christianlandgraf/rl_viewplanning.git
into ~/catkin_ws/src - Clone the following Github repositiories to ~/catkin_ws/src:
git clone https://github.com/christianlandgraf/universal_robot.git
git clone https://github.com/christianlandgraf/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver.git
- Install ROS dependencies
cd catkin_ws
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
- Install the following ROS binary packages
sudo apt install ros-noetic-moveit ros-noetic-moveit-resources ros-noetic-geometry2 ros-noetic-graph-msgs ros-noetic-velodyne-simulator ros-noetic-industrial-robot-status-controller
- Additionally, clone the following to your workspace and build it from source. If they are available as binary package, install them as described above
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit_visual_tools.git
git clone https://github.com/ros-industrial/industrial_core.git
git clone https://github.com/PickNikRobotics/rviz_visual_tools.git
- We experienced issues with the industrial core package in Noetic. Ignore the folder industrial_trajectory_filters by
cd catkin_ws/src/industrial_core/industrial_trajectory_filters
- In universal_robot, switch the branch
cd catkin_ws/src/universal_robot
git checkout calibration_devel
- Build the workspace with
catkin build
. - Source the workspace
source devel/setup.bash
Clone gym to your home folder and install it via:
git clone https://github.com/openai/gym.git
cd gym
pip3 install -e .
pip3 install git-python
Follow the inststructions at http://www.open3d.org/.
pip3 install open3d
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sweptlaser/python3-pcl
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libpcl-dev python3-pcl
Stable Baselines 3: pip3 install stable-baselines3
, see the docs
Error | Description |
could not find "Config.cmake" during build | it usually means package is missing. Either try to find the package with apt and autocompletion, e.g. sudo apt install ros-noetic-xyz . If this doesn't work either, search for the package and clone it to your src folder from Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket etc. Then try to build it from source with catkin build xyz . |
Cannot find package when launching | The most common error in ROS is to forget to source your workspace with, e.g. source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash . Put it in your ~/.bashrc file: source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash |
Gazebo does not close | Copy the following command in your ~/.bashrc to directly kill Gazebo in the terminal: alias killgazebo="killall -9 gazebo & killall -9 gzserver & killall -9 gzclient" . When restarting the environment, kill all gazebo processes with killgazebo |
- Start simulation environment:
roslaunch ipa_kifz_viewplanning ipa_kifz_gazebo.launch
with following options:gazebo_gui:=False
If Gazebo should run in headless moderviz_gui:=False
If RViz visualiuation should run in parellellsensor_only:=True
If the robot layout and its semantics should be neglected.
- Start the learning procedure:
roslaunch ipa_kifz_viewplanning start_training.launch
The RL Algorithm to be used, currently available:qlearn
- Have a look in the log directory or check Tensorboard via
tensorboard --logdir=<logname>
A demonstration video is available here.
Please cite our work if you use the repository:
Landgraf, C., Meese, B., Pabst, M., Martius, G., & Huber, M. F. (2021). A Reinforcement Learning Approach to View Planning for Automated Inspection Tasks. Sensors, 21(6), 2030.
title={A Reinforcement Learning Approach to View Planning for Automated Inspection Tasks},
author={Landgraf, Christian and Meese, Bernd and Pabst, Michael and Martius, Georg and Huber, Marco F},
publisher={Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}