NOTE: Currently in progress! This note will be removed upon completion of the notebooks.
Raw data and associated tools (Jupyter notebooks and/or Python scripts for each step of the workflow) for a systematic review of accessible wayfinding and navigation, conducted using the criteria described in Section 3 of Prandi et al.'s "Accesible wayfinding and navigation: a systematic mapping study" (Research question: "Which devices and software applications for accessible wayfinding and navigation have been proposed in scientific literature?"), but updated for post-2021. Search conducted May 25, 2023 using Scopus (access provided by UNC Chapel Hill Libraries).
- Feel free to clone and/or fork for your use! Contributions via pull request are welcome.
- If relevant, I ask that you cite this repository with the website link ( Thanks!
- To request final analysis results, please email [email protected].
Initial search string: (accessible OR accessibility) AND (city OR indoor OR urban OR campus OR university) AND (wayfinding OR navigation OR mobility) AND (application OR system OR map)
Scopus subjects: "Computer Science", "Engineering"
Publication time range: 2021, 2022 (2023 is analyzed separately)
Language: English
- Note: While Prandi et al. do not consider papers not written in English, this repository briefly examines Spanish-language papers from 2010 to 2023 separately, albeit limited by the English-language focus of Scopus.
Final search string:
TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( accessible OR accessibility ) AND ( city OR indoor OR urban OR campus OR university ) AND ( wayfinding OR navigation OR mobility ) AND ( application OR system OR map ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( SUBJAREA , "ENGI" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( SUBJAREA , "COMP" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR , 2022 ) OR LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR , 2021 ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "English" ) )
Aspects analyzed: Title, abstract, paper type
Exclusion criteria: Off-topic, duplicates, introductory papers to conference/workshop proceedings
Aspects analyzed: Title, abstract, paper type, paper text
Exclusion criteria: Preliminary work, extended abstract, requirement analysis (versus actual application), systems for data collection and storage, conceptual model, user study or guidelines, survey/review
- Note: survey/reviews are analyzed separately.
- Context of use
- Target population
- Technology type
- Data sources type
- User involvement in system design and evaluation
- How many have keywords?
- Average number of keywords per paper? Standard deviation? Median?
- Most frequent keywords? Number of occurrences?
- Mobile application
- Web application
- Wearable
- Smart
- Tactile/public interfaces
- Multiple
- Indoor
- Outdoor
- Indoor AND outdoor
- Visually impaired
- Mobility impaired
- Cognitive
- Hearing
- Other
- All
- Environment representation and modeling
- Localization
- Wayfinding and navigation
- Crowdsourcing
- Crowdsensing and pervasive sending
- Official and expert
- Multi-source
- None
- Design time
- System evaluation
- Both
- Prandi, C., Barricelli, B.R., Mirri, S. et al. Accessible wayfinding and navigation: a systematic mapping study. Univ Access Inf Soc 22, 185–212 (2023).