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Tools for conducting systematic reviews, and raw data for a use case (accessible wayfinding).


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Raw data and associated tools (Jupyter notebooks and/or Python scripts for each step of the workflow) for a systematic review of accessible wayfinding and navigation, conducted using the criteria described in Section 3 of Prandi et al.'s "Accesible wayfinding and navigation: a systematic mapping study" (Research question: "Which devices and software applications for accessible wayfinding and navigation have been proposed in scientific literature?"), but updated for post-2021. Search conducted May 25, 2023 using Scopus (access provided by UNC Chapel Hill Libraries).

Contributions and Data Availability

Paper Search Criteria

Initial search string: (accessible OR accessibility) AND (city OR indoor OR urban OR campus OR university) AND (wayfinding OR navigation OR mobility) AND (application OR system OR map)

Scopus subjects: "Computer Science", "Engineering"

Publication time range: 2021, 2022 (2023 is analyzed separately)

Language: English

  • Note: While Prandi et al. do not consider papers not written in English, this repository briefly examines Spanish-language papers from 2010 to 2023 separately, albeit limited by the English-language focus of Scopus.

Final search string:

TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( accessible  OR  accessibility )  AND  ( city  OR  indoor  OR  urban  OR  campus  OR  university )  AND  ( wayfinding  OR  navigation  OR  mobility )  AND  ( application  OR  system  OR  map ) )  AND  ( LIMIT-TO ( SUBJAREA ,  "ENGI" )  OR  LIMIT-TO ( SUBJAREA ,  "COMP" ) )  AND  ( LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,  2022 )  OR  LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,  2021 ) )  AND  ( LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE ,  "English" ) ) 

Exclusion Criteria

Stage 1

Aspects analyzed: Title, abstract, paper type

Exclusion criteria: Off-topic, duplicates, introductory papers to conference/workshop proceedings

Stage 2

Aspects analyzed: Title, abstract, paper type, paper text

Exclusion criteria: Preliminary work, extended abstract, requirement analysis (versus actual application), systems for data collection and storage, conceptual model, user study or guidelines, survey/review

  • Note: survey/reviews are analyzed separately.

Analysis Criteria

Overview of Dimensions (adapted from Prandi et al.)

  1. Context of use
  2. Target population
  3. Technology type
  4. Data sources type
  5. User involvement in system design and evaluation


  • How many have keywords?
  • Average number of keywords per paper? Standard deviation? Median?
  • Most frequent keywords? Number of occurrences?

Device classification

  • Mobile application
  • Web application
  • Wearable
  • Smart
  • Tactile/public interfaces
  • Multiple

Dimension 1: Context of Use

  • Indoor
  • Outdoor
  • Indoor AND outdoor

Dimension 2: Target population

  • Visually impaired
  • Mobility impaired
  • Cognitive
  • Hearing
  • Other
  • All

Dimension 3: Technology type

  • Environment representation and modeling
  • Localization
  • Wayfinding and navigation

Dimension 4: Data sources

  • Crowdsourcing
  • Crowdsensing and pervasive sending
  • Official and expert
  • Multi-source

Dimension 5: User involvement in system design and evaluation

  • None
  • Design time
  • System evaluation
  • Both


  1. Prandi, C., Barricelli, B.R., Mirri, S. et al. Accessible wayfinding and navigation: a systematic mapping study. Univ Access Inf Soc 22, 185–212 (2023).


Tools for conducting systematic reviews, and raw data for a use case (accessible wayfinding).








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