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Genotype-free genome reconstruction and ASE quantification


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GBRS is a suite of tools for reconstructing genomes using RNA-Seq data from multiparent population and quantifying allele specific expression. Although we tested it with mouse models only, GBRS should work for any multiparent populations. For the Diversity Outbred and Collaborative Cross mice, the required data files are available here.


Note: To avoid conflicts among dependencies, we highly recommend using a Python virtual environment.

GBRS requires Python 3+ to run. Install GBRS and all its dependencies from the command line:

pip install git+

The gbrs script should now be installed and you should be able to run GBRS from the command line.


Note: In the steps below, {GBRS_DATA} refers to a local GBRS directory that contains numerous supporting files to run GBRS. You can create your own or download them here.

Step 1: Map reads with BOWTIE and convert SAM to BAM

Note: R1 and R2 are mapped separately for paired-end data.

The first step is to align our RNA-Seq reads against the pooled transcriptome of all founder strains:

bowtie \
        -q -a --best --strata --sam \
        -v 3 ${GBRS_DATA}/bowtie.transcriptome ${FASTQ} \
    | samtools view -bS - > ${BAM_FILE}


${FASTQ} is the FASTQ file you are aligning

${BAM_FILE} is the resulting BAM file

Step 2: Convert BAM to EMASE

Note: R1 and R2 are converted separately for paired-end data.

Before quantifying multiway allele specificity, bam file should be converted into emase format:

gbrs bam2emase \
        -i ${BAM_FILE} \
        -m ${GBRS_DATA}\ \
        -o ${EMASE_FILE}


${BAM_FILE} is the output BAM file from STEP 1

${COMMA_SEPARATED_LIST_OF_HAPLOTYPE_CODES} is a list of haplotypes (i.e, A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)

${EMASE_FILE} is the resulting EMASE output file

Step 3: Single-end data: Compress EMASE file.
Step 3: Paired-end data: Find common alignments and compress EMASE file.

We can compress EMASE format alignment incidence matrix:

gbrs compress \
        -i ${EMASE_FILE} \


${EMASE_FILE} is the output EMASE file from STEP 2

${COMPRESSED_EMASE_FILE} is the resulting compressed EMASE output file

If storage space is tight, you may want to delete ${BAM_FILE} or ${EMASE_FILE} at this point since ${COMPRESSED_EMASE_FILE} has all the information the following steps would need. If you want to merge emase format files in order to, for example, pool technical replicates, you run ‘compress’ once more listing files you want to merge with commas:

gbrs compress \


${COMPRESSED_EMASE_FILE1}, etc are the resulting compressed EMASE output file

${MERGED_COMPRESSED_EMASE_FILE} is the merged EMASE output file

and use ${MERGED_COMPRESSED_EMASE_FILE} in the following steps. Now we are ready to quantify multiway allele specificity.

Step 4: Quantify multiway expression

gbrs quantify \
        -g ${GBRS_DATA}/ref.gene2transcripts.tsv \
        -L ${GBRS_DATA}/ \
        -M 4 \


${MERGED_COMPRESSED_EMASE_FILE} is the merged EMASE input file

ref.gene2transcripts.tsv is the gene to transcript mapping file that contains the list of transcripts in that GBRS will quantify is the tab delimited file of locus(transcript) and length

Step 5: Genotype reconstruction

Then, we reconstruct the genome based upon gene-level TPM quantities (assuming the sample is a female from the 20th generation Diversity Outbred mice population)

gbrs reconstruct \
        -e gbrs.quantified.multiway.genes.tpm \
        -t ${GBRS_DATA}/tranprob.DO.G20.F.npz \
        -x ${GBRS_DATA}/avecs.npz \
        -g ${GBRS_DATA}/ref.gene_pos.ordered.npz


$gbrs.quantified.multiway.genes.tpm is file containing gene-level TPM quantities

tranprob.DO.G20.F.npz is the transition probabilities file

avecs.npz is the alignment specificity file

ref.gene_pos.ordered.npz is the the file contains the Ensembl gene positions in a Python format

Step 6: Quantify diploid expression with GBRS

We can now quantify allele-specific expressions on diploid transcriptome:

gbrs quantify \
        -G gbrs.reconstructed.genotypes.tsv \
        -g ${GBRS_DATA}/ref.gene2transcripts.tsv \
        -L ${GBRS_DATA}/ \
        -M 4 \


${MERGED_COMPRESSED_EMASE_FILE} is the merged EMASE input file

gbrs.reconstructed.genotypes.tsv is the tab delimited file of locus(transcipt) and diplotypes

ref.gene2transcripts.tsv is the gene to transcript mapping file that contains the list of transcripts in that GBRS will quantify is the tab delimited file of locus(transcript) and length

Step 7: Interpolate genotypes and genotype probabilities

Genotype probabilities are on a grid of genes. For eQTL, mapping or plotting genome reconstruction, we may want to interpolate probability on a decently-spaced grid of the reference genome:

gbrs interpolate \
        -i gbrs.reconstructed.genoprobs.npz \
        -g ${GBRS_DATA}/ref.genome_grid.69k.txt \
        -p ${GBRS_DATA}/ref.gene_pos.ordered.npz \
        -o gbrs.interpolated.genoprobs.npz


gbrs.reconstructed.genoprobs.npz is the genotype probability file

ref.genome_grid.69k.txt is the file contains that pseudomarker genome grid which is used to report results. Each tissue expresses different gene, which leads GBRS to estimate genotypes at different genomic positions in each tissue. In order to standardize results, GBRS interpolates its founder haplotype estimates to a common grid of 74,165 positions.

ref.gene_pos.ordered.npz is the the file contains the Ensembl gene positions in a Python format

gbrs.interpolated.genoprobs.npz is the interpolated output file

Step 8: Plot inferred genotypes

To plot a reconstructed genome:

gbrs plot \
        -i gbrs.interpolated.genoprobs.npz \
        -o gbrs.plotted.genome.pdf \
        -n ${SAMPLE_ID}


gbrs.interpolated.genoprobs.npz is the interpolated input file

gbrs.plotted.genome.pdf is the output PDF file

${SAMPLE_ID} is the specified sample id

Step 9: Export genotype probabilities

gbrs export \
        -i ${interpolated_genoprobs} \
        -s ${gbrs_strain_list} \
        -g ${genotype_grid} \
        -o ${sampleID}.gbrs.interpolated.genoprobs.tsv


${interpolated_genoprobs} is the genotype probability file

${gbrs_strain_list} is the specified strain(s), either one per -s option, i.e. -h A -h B -h C, or a shortcut -s A,B,C

${genotype_grid} is the file contains that pseudomarker genome grid which is used to report results. Each tissue expresses different gene, which leads GBRS to estimate genotypes at different genomic positions in each tissue. In order to standardize results, GBRS interpolates its founder haplotype estimates to a common grid of 74,165 positions.

${sampleID}.gbrs.interpolated.genoprobs.tsv is the output file in GBRS quant format


Genotype-free genome reconstruction and ASE quantification







No packages published

Contributors 4
