Install it by the following command:
npm install -g @cicada-lang/chimera
The command-line program is called chimera
chimera help # Print help message
chimera repl # Open an interactive REPL
chimera run <file> # Run a file
chimera run <file> --watch # Run and watch file change
npm install # Install dependencies
npm run build # Compile `src/` to `lib/`
npm run build:watch # Watch the compilation
npm run format # Format the code
npm run test # Run test
Thank you, Daniel P. Friedman, William E. Byrd, Oleg Kiselyov and Jason Hemann, for your book "The Reasoned Schemer".
Thank you, Bharathi Ramana Joshi and William E. Byrd, for writing a great tutorial about implementing constraint logic programming.
To make a contribution, fork this project and create a pull request.
Please read the before you change the code.
Remember to add yourself to AUTHORS. Your line belongs to you, you can write a little introduction to yourself but not too long.