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Generate Secure and Recoverable Passwords Using Trezor

macer generates deterministic passwords from the Bip-39 wordlist of length 12 (128-bits), 18 (192 bits) or 24 (256-bits) derived from the Trezor seed and a user selected user@host. The user@host is displayed on the Trezor with the phrase MACER decrypt for verification before the password can be generated. Another Trezor with the same seed and URI will generate the same password, making backup of high-entropy passwords easier.

The bip39-12 output is likely sufficient for many use cases. This is equivalent to 10-diceware-words.

The last word of each bip39 output mode contains a small checksum. This is only useful when using bip39 compatible software. Users can manually truncate words if the pre-selected word counts doesn't meet user needs.

Detractors will point out that macer is limited to 125.8 bit strength due to x25519 usage. HOWEVER, an attacker has to first obtain a 252-bit x25519 public-key to crack the 252-bit secret key, AND the public-key cracking method cannot be parallelized. Brute-force searching 12 words/128-bits can be parallelized, making 18/24 macer words useful in some contexts (thus the option for 18/24 words). The situation is analogous to the common usage of x25519+AES-256 instead of x25519+AES-128. See security section for further analysis.

Brute-force of x25519 public-keys can be sped up by multi-core CPUs, but the process is 2^252. Whereas the 2^125.8 cracking method for x25519 (rho) can only be run in serial. Again, see security section for details.

macer can also output the raw 32-byte binary secret, but users must be careful about the newline character stopping stdin reading in some applications. The primary use case is to run macer -f binary | base58, which generates safe to copy 44-character passwords. macer -f binary | head -c 16 | base58 will generate 22-character passwords. The base58 utility is recommended because 0, O, I and 1 are not used, making paper backups more reliable.


Recovery from Major Possession Loss

Recovering data - after a major flood or fire - is problematic with typical password based setups. In a major event, paper/digital backup of passwords could be permanently/destroyed lost (was the safe properly rated for the fire?), in addition to all other physical items. You can make easy to remember passwords for this situation, but then typically the password has low entropy making it unsuitable for encryption purposes. In contrast, Bip-39 (Bitcoin) seeds have high entropy, and are commonly stored in multiple physical locations to prevent this worst case outcome. Remembering 1 or 2 URIs, and getting access to the "backup" Bip-39 seed can bootstrap recovery for the remainder of your personal cloud data!

As an example, use macer to generate [email protected] for Proton Drive, then me@keepass for a local keepass instance with the filename me_at_keepass.kdbx, and manually store the file on Proton Drive. Recovery only requires proper seed backup + remembering the URI [email protected] (the other URI is stored in the filename on Proton Drive!). Further recovery is performed based on information in the keepass file.

One recommendation is to use keepass/lastpass to generate "basic" (website/banking) secrets, but use macer to generate secrets for crypto purposes WITHOUT storing the secrets in the cloud. This way a crypto/implementation break on cloud encrypted data doesn't necessarily leak all other crypto passwords.

Lastpass, Bitwarden or Proton Pass could be used instead of the Keepass+drive combo, with the downside that local backups are always exported in unencrypted formats. Keepass+drive skips this problem, with the downside of the process being more manual. Use whichever you find easier in recovery scenarios.

seedpass can be used with Coldcard+BIP85 OR macer with [email protected] as the URI. The major downside of seedpass is that the parent seed used to generate every child password is encrypted locally with a password. If the machine is compromised, every password will leak if an insufficient password is used. In contrast, macer never stores any secret material on the host machine, everything is re-generated on-the-fly from Trezor. That said, a user can probably get away with just a 90-bit password for the seedpass password. Use diceware for this password, there are only downsides to using macer here. One last drawback of seedpass - you need to store an associated encrypted metafile somewhere, or recovering passwords is going to be problematic. The default uses nostr for backup+sync, which is slick because this encypted metadata file contains no passwords, so posting publicly is of low concern.

LUKS (Linux encrypted disk)

macer can be used in the Linux initrd script to output a password from the Trezor and pipe it directly into cryptsetup. The initrd script tracks the correct user@host information, which is displayed on the Trezor, so there is less risk of exposing the password for another device or service. Seedpass is less useful in this context because it really isn't intended to be run in an initrd script. The current recommendation for macer+LUKS is: (1) use it if you hate typing long passwords to LUKS OR (2) are confident that you can physically backup a 24-word seed but are less confident in backing up many 20-word diceware passwords. LUKS users can also use both macer and diceware simultaneously if the limitations of macer are a concern. One thing to note is that the primary motivation - total possession loss - would typically mean all your LUKS devices are gone anyway, so for many people macer is only useful when (1) applies.

Implementation Details

macer uses the SLIP-17 x25519 ECDH feature of Trezor, and communicates with the device using libusb-1.0.0 and custom C++11 read/write code. macer can be statically linked for use in initrd or other limited environments. macer does not depend on Python, Protobuf, or Trezor source code for building.

SLIP-17 ECDH generates a shared secret; a public-key+URI combination is required for the operation. macer first requests a public-key for the URI macer_peerkey://user@host using the same URI->Bip-32-path algorithm described in SLIP-17. The public-key returned by the request is then fed into the actual ECDH request with the URI macer://user@host. The shared-secret is then hashed by SHA-256 and the first 16, 24 or 32 bytes of the hash (depends on user configuration) is converted to 12, 18 or 24 words using the algorithm defined by Bip-39.


macer arguably has 252 bits of entropy, despite x25519 commonly described as having 125.8 bits of security. The 125.8 bit number refers to the number of operations needed to "crack" known public key(s). In most scenarios, an attacker will not have a public-key to "crack", so no information is "leaked" about the private key. This leaves ~2^252 possible combinations for the input into SHA-256.

The major CAVEAT is that an attacker who compromises a host machine of the user can request a x25519 public key from the Trezor without confirmation on the device. This will (assuming the attacker can determine URIs in use) lower the security of associated passwords to ~125.8 bits. HOWEVER, cracking an x25519 public key with rho cannot be parallelized where symmetric key brute forcing can be parallelized. If just 12 Bip-39 words are used for AES encryption, then the time required to brute force is 2^128/p where p is the number of parallel "circuits" (CPU cores) used for searching. In contrast, the time for the rho method for x25519 public-key cracking will take 2^126/1 because the algorithm is serial. This stackoverflow post is related as x25519 is best paired with AES-256.

If your password gets fed into argon2 (or similar), this will increase the cost of a search circuit, but doesn't increase the search space. Whether 12-words is sufficient in this context is up to the reader. 18/24 words does have some merit - an attacker is better of with a brute-force search of (1) 12-words if they can afford 8+ search circuits, (2) 18-words if they can afford 2^67+ search circuits, and (3) 24-words if they can afford 2^127+ search circuits. The analysis gets more complicated when multi-key cracking gets introduced, but brute-force searching does quite well in this context.

As a point of reference, a supercomputer in China can reduce brute-force search time by 2^23. Custom built machines can likely do better.

Lastly, users of 12-seeds into the Trezor probably won't find 24 macer words particularly useful. They should likely stick to 12 macer words.

Hashing URI is only 128-bits.

Internally on a Trezor, the URI is given to SHA256 and only the first 128-bits are used to generate the "path" that determines the x25519 secret key. This does not reduce the entropy of the passwords to 128-bits in the same way that an attacker knowing that the Bip-32 path for a users funds is m/44'/0'/0/0 does not reduce the entropy of the secret key to zero. It does however make the probability of two URIs "colliding" reasonably high due to the "birthday attack". The biggest problem would be the attacker finding a collision, then convincing you to use that collision in their service. This is going to be somewhat difficult because they wouldn't necessarily control the user or host portion after finding a collision. If SHA256 breaks in the same way md5 did, then perhaps this needs to be re-visted, but this is a non-issue (although I wish Trezor used all 256-bits for this use case).

Limitations + Mitigations

Firmware Changes

macer uses the ECDH function of Trezor to generate secure passwords. This hardware mode is unlikely to change as it is well defined in SLIP-17, and a major change could leave people unable to decrypt documents. Cautious users may want to (1) use seedpass and/or (2) use paper/digital backups. Using paper backups is likely the better options for most people (unfortunately). In both cases, the basic technique is the same, generate and store the output of macer -f bip39-24 -t -u user > test_pass. Then after firmware update, run macer -f bip39-24 -t -u user | diff test_pass -. If nothing is output by diff, then macer passwords will not change. Otherwise, you must use your seedpass or paper/digital backups to migrate all passwords to their new versions.

Digital backups should arguably be local-only to reduce leaks from crypto failures. This means storing info about macer passwords twice - once storing the URI without password in the cloud, and once with password locally using keepass. Another concern (with digital backups) is that the host machine learns about passwords generated for other machines. This is why paper backups are the better option.

See motivations section on how to use seedpass with macer. One additional note on seedpass: you may want a paper backup of the seedpass input as an extra pre-caution. This method would reduce the number of paper backups to just 2 - the Trezor seed and seedpass seed.

Both backup techniques don't "ruin" the primary motivation of this project - losing paper backups is only problematic when Trezor simultaneously changes firmware or goes out of business. And even then, software emulation can mitigate either of these issues. In other words, use macer to generate secure recoverable secrets, but treat them like diceware generated passwords.

Software Emulation with Coin Usage

A purely software implementation will likely be made in the future, so users can recover passwords without a Trezor device. This will also reduce the firmware change issue. If coins are stored on the same device, then bad things could happen when using the software emulation.

The best mitigation strategy is to use the technique in the firmware changes section - be proactive about detection and rotating macer passwords. If you failed to do this properly, you can "sweep" your coins before using the software emulation.

U2F/2FA Usage

Using macer and U2F (aka 2FA) with the same Trezor is possibly problematic - you have no "2nd factor" because one device is generating both secrets. However, if an attacker gets access to your laptop, the attacker gets the macer generated passwords, but cannot "replay" the U2F generated signature. The big problem with U2F is that Trezor cannot display the URI (upstream protocol limitation), which is likely why passkeys are being promoted as a replacement.

Possible mitigation strategies are generating unique/independent passwords for services or using a second Trezor device. Both have their limitations with backup; using macer+cloud-backup is still arguably the same 2FA issue.

I think for most users, macer+U2F is acceptable.

Password "Destruction"

Once a password is generated using macer, it can always be re-generated until the Bip-39 seed is destroyed. In contrast, a diceware generated password and stored only on paper can be destroyed via physical shredding/burning.

Don't use macer (or seedpass) if you are concerned about long-term access to passwords - there is no other mitigation unfortunately.



  • Autotools (when from Github/source)
  • Bash
  • make
  • libusb-1.0.0
  • A C++11 compatible compiler

From Github

git clone ssh://[email protected]/cifro-codes/macer.git
cd macer
autoreconf -i && ./configure && make

From Source Tarball

tar xvf
cd macer
./configure && make

Static Builds

Change the ./configure steps above with ./configure LDFLAGS="-static". This will fail on many systems because libusb is not provided statically (Gentoo is a common exception). Help will not be provided for this setup, because generating a custom initrd script means you can probably solve this problem.


Run macer --help to get options and descriptions. Self explanatory if this was read from beginning.

	--help, -h			List help
	--existing, -e			Prompt for existing LUKS password for adding new key
	--format, -f	[format]	Output format/strength -> legacy | binary | bip39-12 | bip39-18 | bip39-24
	--host, -t	[hostname]	Identity hostname for password
	--user, -u	[user]		Identity username for password
	--message, -m	[message]	Message to display on device (legacy format only)
	--password, -p			Prompt for local only password to append to stdout (more entropy)


Generate Passwords with Trezor Hardware Wallets







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