I'm working on plenty of stuff at all times, I have a hungry mind and I need to keep my brain occupied.
Restoration of Daily Source Code Podcast RSS feed
- Archeological diggings and finds, Adam Curry's experimental iPod script.
Swedish Swish 123-numbers directory for companies and associations
- Swish-Katalogen - A simple search engine for data from the Swish 123-numbers - online: Swish-Katalogen
SE-POI Swedish POI, Points-of-Interest .. as to scratch an itch for another project.
- Svenskt Hålindex - Swedish: "Ett unikt sätt att klassificera svenska hålor".
- I run web spiders to discover new podcast feeds
- I've added more than 3.5 Million feeds this far.
- Mapping of languages, all of ISO-639 (ISO-639-1, ISO-639-2B, ISO-639-2T and ISO-639-3) minus sign languages which does not make much sense in regards of audio/video podcasts - not yet active.
- Self-contained OPML-Editor, with Import/Export functionality with PodcastIndex as search backend. (PHP)
- OPML collections nightly
- PodcastIndex extracts https://b19.se/data/opml/podcastindex/
- Mirrored OPMLs https://b19.se/data/opml/mirrored/
- Podping daily OPMLs https://b19.se/data/opml/podping/
- Podcast namespace collection - there is many namespaces, but PodcastIndex have a namespace to rule them all.
- Podcast search with PI as backend for
- Sonos devices
- Kodi and mediacenter devices
- Issues and special OPMLs https://b19.se/data/opml/findthatpod/
- Source repo
Useful datasets, my attempts at fixing the world; Data Available
- Shoe sizes in millimeter, JP, EU, CN and US shoe-sizes
- Swedish Banks clearing numbers
- Swedish Person numbers
- Swedish Nationella kort/SITHS kort
- USA CTA-Member directory
... and plenty more. Only the current ones listed above.
As you may have notices, many of the project are about data and information, not so much about code.
Well arranged data is useful information.
If I had more free time on my hands (whatever is left after spending a good chunk of it with family), I'd like to explore a few things;
- More crypto-stuff (not crypto currencies and such, real crypto as in cryptography)
I'm learning new stuff;
- Python, which I use daily
- Rust, on and off .. never get the time.
- Hive
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