Notes! Is a simple (but still pretty awesome) web application built using Clojure, Compojure, MongoDB and Bootstrap. It was created with the purpose of showing how to deploy an application on different PaaS providers.
To build and run you will need Leiningen 2.x and Java 1.7 installed.
To run, you will also need a MongoDB database instance.
First, the defaults expects a locally running MongoDB using the default port.
You are expected to run MongoDB in auth
mode, you'll have to create a user mongo
with password secret
on the notes
database. From the MongoDB shell, run something like (MongoDB 2.4.x and later):
> use notes
> db.addUser({ user: "mongo",
pwd: "secret",
roles: [ "readWrite" ]
See for futher info.
To start an embedded web server and deploy the application, run:
lein ring server
If everything is good, the server should start and your default web browser will launch and open the Notes! application. If something went wrong, you're likely to get a Clojure stacktrace that no mortal can interpret. Sorry.
Please have a look at the individual PaaS deployment guides:
Source code is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Copyright © 2013 Citerus AB
jQuery dependencies are licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
Bootstrap dependencies are licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0