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!! Be adviced - this version will break in June 2025 !!

Sweden and maybe other Nordic countries will change from an hourly spot price to a new interval of 15 minutes. Read more:

I wrote this program under the false assumption that a day will only ever be devided into 24 parts, or 23-25 for daylight savings time changes. Hence, the spot price data is interpreted as one key/value-pair per hour and they are not sanity checked. With the new interval the 15-minute pairs or rows will be interpreted as hours and the behaviour of this program will be wrong.

Before the switch to a 15-minute spot price interval I will try to find the time for an update that can handle the new system. I do not yet have any confirmed information on the format of the new data. Check this page for updates.

The current version will break and undefined behaviour will ensue.

Electricity Price Control for Telldus Live devices

With electricity prices going crazy in Sweden this program lets you control your Telldus Live-connected smart plugs by the hourly electric price rate. This program is made for Swedish prices in SEK but feel free to modify it for other currencies.

Prices are fetched from the API at

You will need:
  • Telldus Live account
  • Telldus TellStick ZNet Lite V2 or similar
  • Smart plugs connected to above mentioned
  • Windows, Mac or Linux with Python 3 and Internet access
  • Per-hour electricity pricing
Telldus API token

To connect to the TellStick you will need an access token. Instructions to create one can be found here:

Place the token in setting.ini under AUTH in the format "Bearer tokenxxx..."


Here you will find all the default settings to be loadaded at startup. Check it out before running the program for the first time.



Here you can test the connection settings and manually control the devices. Selecting a smart plug in the drop down list and clicking "Add" will add the device to the list of price-controlled devices.

Price control
  • "Fixed price" lets you set a fixed rate under which the added devices will trigger. This value you may need to adjust every day if you want your devices to be triggered.
  • "Best hours" is more flexible. Here you can set how many hours per day you want your devices on and the program will find the cheapest hours to activate them.
  • "Override/Repeat" checkbox will send the on/off command every update interval, per default every 10 seconds. This overrides other triggers such as Telldus device scheduling, smart switches, etc. Those may change the devices state for a short time, before the price control overrides it. Leaving this setting unchecked makes the price trigger change the state only once, when it detects a change in price.
Devices to control

Simply a list of the added devices that will be triggered by the change in rate.


A list of the prices fetched from the API. Green color means devices will be switched On on those hours. The list is only fetched once and stored in the folder /log. If any problems occur with the list, delete the corresponding file in the log folder.

Custom On / Off command

Here you can put a custom command to be triggered together with the devices, or alone if no devices are added. For example you can run a custom script that notifies you on state changes. This entry is not parsed or evaluated, only executed blindly.


Control smart switches by the current electricity rate.








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