Welcome to the ReTReKpy project !!!
This version of the ReTReKpy repository is utilizing the kMoL library. The execution environment can be established using conda and pip as follows:
git clone https://github.com/elix-tech/kmol.git
cd kmol
make create-env
conda activate kmol
conda install -c conda-forge -c ljn917 molvs rdchiral_cpp -y
pip install epam.indigo quantulum3
cd /.../ReTReKpy
pip install --no-build-isolation -e . --user
NOTE: If this issue is encountered during the set-up of the
environment, please add - mkl=2024.0
at the end of the /.../kmol/environment.yml
file before running the
make create-env
The execution environment can be established using Docker as follows:
git clone https://github.com/elix-tech/kmol.git
cd kmol
git checkout tags/v1.1.9.3
make build-docker
cd /.../ReTReKpy
docker build . -t retrekpy
alias retrekpy_docker='docker run --rm -it --gpus=all --ipc=host --volume="$(pwd)"/:/opt/elix/kmol/ReTReKpy/ retrekpy'
Now, the python
command can be replaced with the retrekpy_docker
The following script is utilized to create the chemical reaction template dataset:
python -m scripts.datasets.create_reaction_template_dataset
--input_file_path # The path of the USPTO Grants or Applications '*.rsmi' file.
--output_folder_path # The path to the output directory.
--random_seed # The random seed value.
--num_cores # The number of CPU cores for multiprocessing.
The following script is utilized to create the chemical compound evaluation dataset:
python -m scripts.datasets.create_evaluation_dataset
--input_file_path # The path of any raw ChEMBL '*.txt' file.
--output_folder_path # The path to the output directory.
--salts_file_path # The path to the salts file.
--min_atoms # The minimum atoms cutoff value.
--max_atoms # The maximum atoms cutoff value.
--fp_similarity_cutoff # The fingerprint similarity cutoff value during Butina clustering.
--small_dataset_size # The size of the small evaluation dataset.
--large_dataset_size # The size of the large evaluation dataset.
--outlier_percentage # The percentage of outliers included in the final evaluation datasets.
--random_seed # The random seed value.
--num_cores # The number of CPU cores for multiprocessing.
The following script is utilized to create the additional information dataset:
python -m scripts.datasets.create_negative_reaction_dataset
--input_folder_path # The path of the USPTO Grants or Applications folder.
--output_folder_path # The path to the output directory.
--random_seed # The random seed value.
--num_cores # The number of CPU cores for multiprocessing.
The following script is utilized to create the in-scope filter training datasets:
python -m scripts.datasets.create_negative_reaction_dataset
--input_ai_file_path # The path of the additional information dataset file.
--input_rt_file_path # The path of the reaction template dataset file.
--output_folder_path # The path to the output directory.
--yield_confidence # The reaction yield confidence value.
--yield_cutoff # The reaction yield percentage cutoff value.
--min_template_frequency # The minimum reaction template frequency.
--rt_virtual_negatives # The number of virtual negative examples generated using random reaction templates.
--rp_virtual_negatives # The number of virtual negative examples generated using random perturbations.
--random_seed # The random seed value.
--num_cores # The number of CPU cores for multiprocessing.
The following script is utilized to create the single-step retrosynthesis model dataset:
python -m scripts.single_step_retrosynthesis.create_dataset
--dataset_file_path # The path to the '*.csv' dataset file.
--output_directory_path # The path to the output directory.
--minimum_number_of_reaction_template_occurrences # The minimum number of chemical reaction template occurrences.
--number_of_cross_validation_splits # The number of cross-validation splits.
--validation_percentage # The percentage of the dataset that should be utilized for validation.
--random_seed # The random seed value.
The following scripts are utilized to train, test, and infer the single-step retrosynthesis model:
python -m scripts.single_step_retrosynthesis.train
--configuration_file_path # The path to the configuration file.
python -m scripts.single_step_retrosynthesis.test
--configuration_file_path # The path to the configuration file.
python -m scripts.single_step_retrosynthesis.inference
--compound_smiles # The chemical compound SMILES string.
--configuration_file_path # The path to the configuration file.
The following script is utilized to train the in-scope filter model:
python -m scripts.in_scope_filter.train
--csv_path # The path to the '*.csv' dataset file.
--reaction_column # The name of the chemical reaction column from the '*.csv' dataset file.
--product_column # The name of the chemical reaction product column from the '*.csv' dataset file.
--label_column # The name of the label column from the '*.csv' dataset file.
--pos_weight # The positive weight for the BinaryCrossEntropy loss calculation.
--learning_rate # The learning rate value.
--weight_decay # The weight decay value.
--epochs # The number of epochs.
--batch_size # The batch size.
--num_workers # The number number of workers utilized to loading the dataset.
--use_cuda # The indicator of whether CUDA should be utilized.
--save_path # The path to the output directory.
The following script is utilized to run the Monte Carlo Tree Search:
python -m scripts.mcts.run
--target # The path to the target chemical compound '*.mol' file.
--save_result_dir # The path to the output directory.
--config # The path to the configuration file.
--debug # The indicator of whether to enable the debug mode.
--random_seed # The random seed value.
python -m scripts.mcts.run_all
--targets # The path to the directory containing the target chemical compound '*.mol' files.
--save_result_dir # The path to the output directory.
--config # The path to the configuration file.
--debug # The indicator of whether to enable the debug mode.
--random_seed # The random seed value.
The following script is utilized to create the ease-of-synthesis model dataset:
python -m scripts.ease_of_synthesis.create_dataset
--data_folder # The path to the directory containing the results of the ReTReK approach.
--uspto_template_path # The path to the '*.csv' dataset file used for the training of the single-step retrosynthesis model.
--template_column # The name of the forward chemical reaction template column from the '*.csv' dataset file.
--output_path # The output directory path where the newly-created dataset should be stored.
The following scripts are utilized to train and infer the ease-of-synthesis model:
python -m scripts.ease_of_synthesis.train
--config # The path to the configuration file.
--task # The indicator of the task: "train", "eval", or "bayesian_opt".
--num_workers # The number number of workers utilized to loading the dataset.
--eval_output_path # The path to a custom directory to store the evaluation results.
python -m scripts.ease_of_synthesis.inference
--classification_model # The path to the binary classification model configuration file.
--regression_model # The path to the regression model configuration file.
--data # The chemical compound SMILES string or the path to a file containing one chemical compound SMILES string per each line.
--save_path # The output directory path where the results should be stored.
--featurizer # The indicator of the featurizer that should be utilized: "ecfp", "graph", or "mordred".
If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to reach out via GitHub Issues or via e-mail:
- Shoichi Ishida: [email protected]
- Ryosuke Kojima: [email protected]
author = {Shoichi Ishida and Kei Terayama and Ryosuke Kojima and Kiyosei Takasu and Yasushi Okuno},
title = {AI-Driven Synthetic Route Design Incorporated with Retrosynthesis Knowledge},
journal = {Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling},
volume = {62},
number = {6},
pages = {1357-1367},
year = {2022},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jcim.1c01074}