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Added scripts to parse and merge all Vdbench results into an Excel
workbook with the Max BW (while under 20ms latency) highlighted for each
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cloudanimal committed Dec 5, 2016
1 parent 5127c28 commit 30a1dc2
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Showing 685 changed files with 589,391 additions and 3 deletions.
129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions Convert_all_vdbench_flatfiles_to_csv.ps1
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@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Enter the name of this Testrun")]
# This function converts flatfile.html into a Powershell CSV Object
# .Example1
# $CsvObj = (convert-VdbenchFlatfiletoCsv -File \path\to\flatfile.html)
# .Example2
# Using Pipeline
# $CSVObj = (get-content \path\to\flatfile.html).pspath | convert-VdbenchFlatfiletoCsv
# .Example3
# Query CSVObj
# $CSVObj | Where-Object {($_.resp -gt "19") -and ($_.resp -lt "20")} | export-csv -path .\flatfile.csv
# Next Steps:
# Query CSV Object
# Export CSV Object to a file
# Convert all Vdbench flat.html's to CSV
# Merge all CSV files into a single Excel Workbook .xlsx
# Query data in Excel using Excel GUI, Macros, or Powershell
# Load module to convert flatfile.html > flatfile.csv
#. .\convert-VdbenchFlatfiletoCsv.ps1
function convert-VdbenchFlatfiletoCsv {
#[Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=1,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName =$True)][string[]]$HTMLFlatFile
# This function converts flatfile.html into a Powershell CSV Object
# .Example1
# $CsvObj = (convert-VdbenchFlatfiletoCsv -File \path\to\flatfile.html)
# .Example2
# Using Pipeline
# $CSVObj = (get-content \path\to\flatfile.html).pspath | convert-VdbenchFlatfiletoCsv
# .Example3
# Query CSVObj
# $CSVObj | Where-Object {($_.resp -gt "19") -and ($_.resp -lt "20")} | export-csv -path .\flatfile.csv
# Next Steps:
# Query CSV Object
# Export CSV Object to a file
# Convert all Vdbench flat.html's to CSV
# Merge all CSV files into a single Excel Workbook .xlsx
# Query data in Excel using Excel GUI, Macros, or Powershell
# Logic expecting a single flatfile.html
$FlatFile = (Get-Item $File)
$NewFlatFile = ".\newflatfile.txt"
$Content = $Null
$NewContent = $Null
$NewCsv = ".\new.csv"

#Fetch the contents
$Content = (get-content $flatfile) -match '^[0-9]'

#Replace at least two spaces by a single tab:
$NewContent = $Content -replace ' {1,}', "`t"

#Write back to a file
$NewContent | Set-Content $NewFlatFile

#notepad $NewFlatFile
$CsvHeader = "date","Run","Interval","reqrate","rate","MB/sec","bytes/io","read%","resp","read_resp","write_resp","resp_max","resp_std","xfersize","threads","rdpct","rhpct","whpct","seekpct","lunsize","version","compratio","dedupratio","queue_depth","cpu_used","cpu_user","cpu_kernel","cpu_wait","cpu_idle"
$CsvObj = (Import-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -Path $Newflatfile -Header $CsvHeader)

#$CsvObj | Export-Csv -Path $NewCsv -NoTypeInformation
return $CsvObj

Write-Verbose ""
Write-Verbose "Setting Variables"
$BaseDir = "."
$Output = "$BaseDir\output"
#$TestRun = (Get-ChildItem $Results)
$File = "flatfile.html"
$Flatfiles = (Get-ChildItem $File -Recurse)
Write-Verbose "BaseDir = $BaseDir"
Write-Verbose "OutputDir = $Output"
Write-Verbose "OutputCSVDir = $OutputCSV"

## Get Flatfiles, convert flatfile to csv
$Flatfiles | foreach{Write-Verbose $_.FullName}

## Process
Write-Verbose ""
write-verbose "Beginning Conversion"
# Find all flatfile.html files recursively from $basedir
# Convert each flatfile.html to flatfile.csv
# Save flatfile.csv in same directory as originating flatfile.html
foreach($ffile in $flatfiles){
$OutFile = $ffile.fullname -replace ".html",".csv"
Write-Verbose $OutFile
# $CsvObj = (convert-VdbenchFlatfiletoCsv -File .\flatfile.html)
$CSVObj = convert-VdbenchFlatfiletoCsv -File $ffile
## Filter results (If desired or later in excel)
# (e.g. Less than 20 ms latency)
# Query CSV Object and output to csv $OutFile
# $CSVObj | Where-Object {($_.resp -gt "19") -and ($_.resp -lt "20")} | export-csv -path $OutFile
$CSVObj | export-csv -NoTypeInformation -Path $Outfile

# Next Step:
# Merge all CSVs into a single Excel workbook
# $get-content $csv | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -WorkSheetname csv2 -AutoSize -Show

141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions Create-VdbenchResultsXLSX.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
function Merge-vdbenchCSV {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$Source = ".\output",

Merge CSV created by Convert-VdbenchFlatfiletoCsv.ps1 into an Excel Workbook
Create a new Excel workbook
Import each Workload results CSV file as a new worksheet
Identify the maximum bandwidth while under 20ms
Loops through vdbench flatfiles in a single directory that have been converted to csv by the
convert-VdbenchFlatfiletoCsv -File
Merges all CSV files found in $path
converts to .xlsx in the output directory
Merge-vdbenchCSV -whatif
Merge-vdbenchCSV -Verbose
Merge-vdbenchCSV -Source .\output -Destination .\allresults.xlsx -WhatIf
Merge-vdbenchCSV -Source .\output -Destination .\allresults.xlsx -Verbose
The computer name to query. Just one.
.PARAMETER Destination
The name and path to the excel file to write to.

Begin {
# Check if module is installed,
# if installed, load module
# if not, install module, then load module
# Load Modules
#. .\ConvertCSV-ToExcel.ps1
# Get-InstalledModule importexcel
if(!(Get-InstalledModule importexcel)) {
Try {
Install-Module importexcel
Import-Module importexcel
} catch {
$_.Exception.GetType().FullName, $_.Exception.Message | Write-Warning
Write-Warning "Automatic installation of the importexcel module failed"
Write-Warning "Please install the importexcel module to continue"
Write-Warning ""
Write-Warnning "Install-Module -Name ImportExcel"
} else {
Try {
Import-Module importexcel
} catch {
$_.Exception.GetType().FullName, $_.Exception.Message | Write-Warning
Write-Warning "Automatic installation of the importexcel module failed"
Write-Warning "Please install the importexcel module to continue"
Write-Warning ""
Write-Warnning "Install-Module -Name ImportExcel"
$BaseDir = "."
$Output = "$BaseDir\output"
$File = "flatfile.csv"
$Workbook = $Destination
function Get-VdbenchCSV {
#$CSVfiles = (Get-ChildItem "$output\$File" -Recurse)
$CSVFiles = Get-ChildItem "$output\$File" -Recurse |
sort @{Expression={($_.fullname -split '\\')[-2]}; Ascending=$false},@{Expression={($_.fullname -split '\\')[-3]}; Ascending=$true} | Select-Object fullname
Write-Verbose Detected ($CSVCount) CSV files
return $CSVFiles
$CSVFiles = Get-VdbenchCSV

Process {

Write-Verbose "Creating: $Workbook"


$CSVfiles | foreach{

#$CsvHeader = "date","Run","Interval","reqrate","rate","MB/sec","bytes/io","read%","resp","read_resp","write_resp","resp_max","resp_std","xfersize","threads","rdpct","rhpct","whpct","seekpct","lunsize","version","compratio","dedupratio","queue_depth","cpu_used","cpu_user","cpu_kernel","cpu_wait","cpu_idle"
$CsvObj = (Import-Csv -Delimiter "," -Path $_.fullname)

$workload = (($_.fullname -split '\\')[-2])
$sd = ($_.fullname -split '\\')[-3]
$worksheetName = (($workload+$sd) -replace "thread_curve|threads_curve","t_")

#Write-Verbose "Adding $Workload to $Workbook"

If ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$SD-$Workload","Merge")) {
# Filtering out names longer than 31 characters for Excel worksheet name limit
If($worksheetName.length -lt "31" ){
#Write-Host "adding $worksheetname"
#Write-Host "get-content $_.fullname | Export-Excel $Workbook -WorkSheetname $worksheetName -AutoSize"
# TODO: Find Max value of CsvObj rate colum where latency -lt 20

$MAX = ($CSVObj | Where-Object {$_.resp -lt "20" } | Sort-Object -Property "MB/sec" -Descending)[0]

$CsvObj |
Export-Excel $Workbook -WorkSheetname $worksheetName -BoldTopRow -AutoFilter -FreezeTopRow -AutoSize -ConditionalText $( New-ConditionalText $ blue cyan )
#(Col_X = QueueDepth)
#(Col_E = Rate)
#(Col_F = MB/s)
#(Col_I = Latency(resp))
write-host "skipping $worksheetname"

# Example Commands (Uncomment to Test)
#Merge-vdbenchCSV -whatif
Merge-vdbenchCSV -Verbose
#Merge-vdbenchCSV -Source .\output -Destination .\allresults.xlsx -WhatIf
#Merge-vdbenchCSV -Source .\output -Destination .\allresults.xlsx -Verbose

79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions README.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@

1.Retrieve/Download Vdbench and PreRequisites Software
(or copy testing package from /se/temp/
2.Install Vdbench and PreRequisite softare
(or unzip testing package)
install java
3.Configure Testing Environment

4.Execute Tests
5.Report Results

1.Retrieve/Download Vdbench and PreRequisites Software
Workload definitions and scripts

2.Install Vdbench and PreRequisites
Validation package
- Vdbench Workload definitions
- Scripts

3.Configure Testing Environment

4.Execute Tests

5.Report Results
(Collect/Query/Transform/View/Report Results)

5.1 Create-VdbenchExcel.ps1
5.1.1 ./convert-VdbenchFlatfiletoCsv.ps1
5.1.1 ./convert_all_vdbench_flatfiles_to_csv.ps1
5.1.1. ./merge_vdbench_csv_to_excel.ps1

For each workload, Convert Flatfile.html to Flatfile.csv
Run Convert_all_vdbench_flatfiles_to_csv.ps1
Merge all flatfile.csv into single excel spreadsheet
Merge all CSV to XLS

1. Powershell v.X
2. Import-Excel module required for output to Excel
3. Vdbench 12-01 package required on test machine

To use:
1. Provision storage to Test VM
2. Copy Vdbench package to Test VM
3. Simply drop any workloads from ./Workload/Templates/ into ./Workload/Run/
./Workloads/Run directory will be ran
./Workloads/Templates houses Vdbench workload templates

4. Set-VdbenchSD.ps1 # Sets the storage device to be used in the Vdbench workloads in ./Workloads/Run
5. Start-TestRun.ps1 # Starts tests configured in ./Workloads/Run
6. Convert_all_vdbench_flatfiles_to_csv.ps1 < 6b. Convert-Vdbenchflatfiletocsv.ps1
7. csvmerge.ps1/merge-VdbenchCSV
merges CSVs into a single excel document
provides a filter point for data
Applies conditional formatting, pivot tables, and charts to Excel worksheet

Identify Max Bandwidth while under 20ms latency
Worksheet containing Rollup of all max data from all runs

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Set-VdbenchSD.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ ForEach ($w in $workload_profiles){

#gc .\workloads\curves\*.cfg | sls ",size="
# Run the following command to validate the change was made
#Get-Content .\workloads\curves\*.cfg | sls ",size="
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion start-testrun.ps1 → Start-VdbenchTestRun.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ function start-testrun {

Foreach ($workload in Get-Childitem $workload_profiles){
$workload_name = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($workload)
$workloaddir = ($rundir + "\" + $workload_name)
$workloaddir = ($outputdir + "\" + $run + "\" + $workload_name)

$arguments = "-f $workload -o $workloaddir"
Write-Verbose ""
Expand Down

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