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Merge pull request #264 from clulab/kwalcock/scalapipeline
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Work on version compatible with heuristics
  • Loading branch information
kwalcock authored Jan 22, 2025
2 parents e36cd04 + 43b0173 commit d1ebeed
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Showing 5 changed files with 266 additions and 10 deletions.
20 changes: 16 additions & 4 deletions belief_pipeline/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
from pandas import DataFrame

# import os

from pipeline import OutputStage

class PandasOutputStage(OutputStage):
Expand All @@ -10,6 +7,21 @@ def __init__(self, file_name: str) -> None:
# if not os.path.exists(file_name):
# os.makedirs(file_name) # find the directory it's in, not use the entire file

def log(self, message: str):
with open("output.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as file:
print(message, file=file)

def write(self, text):
nl_count = text.count("\n") + 1
print(text, flush=True)

# keep track of conf_threshold, coref
def run(self, data_frame: DataFrame) -> None:
data_frame.to_csv(self.file_name, sep="\t", index=False, encoding="utf-8")
if self.file_name:
data_frame.to_csv(self.file_name, sep="\t", index=False, encoding="utf-8", lineterminator="\n")
text = data_frame.to_csv(self.file_name, sep=",", index=False, encoding="utf-8", lineterminator="\n")
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions belief_pipeline/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# import os
# import sys

# print("Keith was here.", file=sys.stderr)
# print("The current directory is ", os.getcwd(), file=sys.stderr)

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pandas_output_stage import PandasOutputStage
from pipeline import Pipeline
from tpi_belief_stage import TpiBeliefStage
from tpi_input_stage import TpiInputStage
from tpi_location_stage_with_patch import TpiLocationStage
from tpi_resolution_stage import TpiResolutionStage
from tpi_sentiment_stage import TpiSentimentStage
from vector_vector_stage import VectorVectorStage
from typing import Tuple

import os
import sys

def get_arguments() -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
argument_parser = ArgumentParser()
argument_parser.add_argument("-l", "--location", required=True, help="location file name")
argument_parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", required=False, help="input file name")
argument_parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", required=False, help="output file name")
args = argument_parser.parse_args()
return (args.location, args.input, args.output)

def log(message: str):
with open("log.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as file:
print(message, file=file)

if __name__ == "__main__":
belief_model_name: str = "maxaalexeeva/belief-classifier_mturk_unmarked-trigger_bert-base-cased_2023-4-26-0-34"
sentiment_model_name: str = "hriaz/finetuned_beliefs_sentiment_classifier_experiment1"
vector_model_name: str = "all-MiniLM-L6-v2"
locations_file_name, input_file_name, output_file_name = get_arguments()
if not input_file_name:
sys.stdin.reconfigure(encoding="utf-8", newline='\n') # just in case!
if not output_file_name:
sys.stdout.reconfigure(encoding="utf-8", newline='\n') # just in case!
# TODO: add a way to quiet the output, i.e., to suppress progress bars
pipeline = Pipeline(

log("The program started.")
while (True):
52 changes: 46 additions & 6 deletions belief_pipeline/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
from pandas import DataFrame
from io import StringIO
from numbers import Number
from pandas import DataFrame
from pipeline import InputStage

import math
import pandas
import sys

class TpiInputStage(InputStage):
def __init__(self, file_name: str) -> None:
self.file_name = file_name

def mk_data_frame(self, file_name: str) -> DataFrame:
data_frame = pandas.read_csv(self.file_name, sep="\t", encoding="utf-8", na_values=[""], keep_default_na=False, dtype={
def mk_data_frame(self, file_name: str, sep: str) -> DataFrame:
data_frame = pandas.read_csv(file_name, sep=sep, encoding="utf-8", na_values=[""], keep_default_na=False, dtype={
"url": str,
"terms": str,
"date": str,
Expand All @@ -36,17 +38,55 @@ def mk_data_frame(self, file_name: str) -> DataFrame:
"effectText": str,
"prevSentence": str
data_frame["prevSentence"].fillna("", inplace=True)
# data_frame["prevSentence"].fillna("", inplace=True)
# data_frame["prevSentence"] = data_frame["prevSentence"].fillna("")
data_frame.fillna({"prevSentence": ""}, inplace=True)
# Sometimes a sentence can be trimmed to empty and considered nan.
# This is because of a mismatch in characters considered trimmable.
data_frame["sentence"].fillna("", inplace=True)
# data_frame["sentence"].fillna("", inplace=True)
# data_frame["sentence"] = data_frame["sentence"].fillna("")
data_frame.fillna({"sentence": ""}, inplace=True)
for index, sentence in enumerate(data_frame["sentence"]):
if sentence == "": # or (isinstance(sentence, Number) and math.isnan(sentence)):
print("There is an empty sentence!")
data_frame["sentence"][index] = "" # What should be done?
return data_frame

def log(self, message: str):
with open("input.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as file:
print(message, file=file)

def read(self) -> StringIO:
# In Python, the line separator is preserved.
line = sys.stdin.readline()
nl_count = int(line)
buffer = StringIO()
for i in range(0, nl_count):
line = sys.stdin.readline()
if i + 1 < nl_count:
# Remove trailing NL from last line.
value = buffer.getvalue()
return StringIO(value)

def read2(self) -> StringIO:
with open(self.file_name, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
file_content =
return StringIO(file_content)

def run(self) -> DataFrame:
data_frame = self.mk_data_frame(self.file_name)
if self.file_name:
source = self.file_name
sep = "\t"
# source = self.read2()
# sep = ","
source =
sep = ","
data_frame = self.mk_data_frame(source, sep)
# data_frame = data_frame[0:1000] # TODO: remove
return data_frame
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions belief_pipeline/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
from pandas import DataFrame
from pipeline import InnerStage
from tqdm import tqdm

import itertools
import pandas
import re
import spacy

class TextWithIndices():
def __init__(self, text, indices=None):
self.text = text
if indices == None:
self.indices = [index for index, value in enumerate(text)]
self.indices = indices

def split(self, separator: str) -> list["TextWithIndices"]:
parts = self.text.split(separator)
textWithIndicesList = []
offset = 0
for part in parts:
textWithIndices = TextWithIndices(part, self.indices[offset:offset + len(part)])
offset += len(part)
offset += len(separator)
return textWithIndicesList

def re_sub(self, pattern: str, repl: str) -> "TextWithIndices":
done = False
text = self.text
indices = self.indices
while not done:
match =, text)
if match == None:
done = True
# The indices must be done before the text gets changed.
indices = indices[0:match.start()] + ([-1] * len(repl)) + indices[match.end():len(text)]
text = text[0:match.start()] + repl + text[match.end():len(text)]
return TextWithIndices(text, indices)

class Location():
def __init__(self, textWithIndices: TextWithIndices, lat: float, lon: float, canonical: str, geonameid: str):
# Make sure indices are reasonable.
if -1 in textWithIndices.indices:
print("There is a -1 among the indices!")
for index, offset in enumerate(textWithIndices.indices):
if offset != textWithIndices.indices[0] + index:
print("The indices are not consecutive!")
self.textWithIndices = textWithIndices = lat
self.lon = lon
self.canonical = canonical
self.geonameid = geonameid

def __str__(self):
return f"{self.textWithIndices.text}\t{self.canonical}\t{self.geonameid}\t{self.textWithIndices.indices[0]}\t{self.textWithIndices.indices[-1] + 1}\t{}\t{self.lon}"

class TpiLocationStage(InnerStage):
def __init__(self, locations_file_name: str) -> None:
# The Uganda locations file has an extra column of notes, but we are not using it, so it is not included
# in order to keep the code compatible with the Ghana locations. The extra column causes confusion with
# identification of the index column, so that is explicitly turned off here. You will see a warning
# message on the console about lost data, probably from the extra column that we're not using here:
# ParserWarning: Length of header or names does not match length of data. This leads to a loss of data
# with index_col=False.
locations_data_frame = pandas.read_csv(locations_file_name, sep="\t", encoding="utf-8", index_col=False, names=[
"geonameid", "name", "asciiname", "alternatenames", "latitude", "longitude", "unk1", "unk2", "country_code",
"cc2", "unk3", "unk4", "unk5", "unk6", "population", "elevation", "unk7", "timezone", "unk8" #, "notes"
names = locations_data_frame["name"]
ascii_names = locations_data_frame["asciiname"]
alternate_names = locations_data_frame["alternatenames"]
latitudes = locations_data_frame["latitude"]
longitudes = locations_data_frame["longitude"]
geonameids = locations_data_frame["geonameid"]
self.names_to_canonical = self.get_names_to_values(names, ascii_names, alternate_names, names)
self.names_to_latitudes = self.get_names_to_values(names, ascii_names, alternate_names, latitudes)
self.names_to_longitudes = self.get_names_to_values(names, ascii_names, alternate_names, longitudes)
self.names_to_geonameids = self.get_names_to_values(names, ascii_names, alternate_names, geonameids)
# These are real locations in the ghana locations file from geonames (,
# but they also happen to be frequent English words, so we exclude them from being identified as locations.
self.common_words = ["We", "No", "To", "Some"]
self.NER = NER = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

def get_names_to_values(self, names: list[str], ascii_names: list[str], alternate_names: list[str], values: list[str]) -> dict[str, str]:
# In case there are duplicates, these are read from lowest to highest priority, so that the lower ones are overwritten.
names_to_values = {}
for name, value in zip(alternate_names, values):
if type(name) is str:
split = name.split(",")
for item in split:
names_to_values[item] = value
for name, value in zip(names, values):
names_to_values[name] = value
for name, value in zip(ascii_names, values):
names_to_values[name] = value
return names_to_values

def add_location(self, locations: list[Location], entityWithIndices: TextWithIndices) -> None:
# NER includes `the` in locations, but the location database file doesn't.
# The above sentence is not true, so by removing "the" we could be missing locations.
# TODO: what should be done if this is not the case? There are some instances
# in the database. Should both be checked? Yes, they should indeed.
# However, they were not in the initial pass and we don't want to find locations
# that weren't there before, because that would necessitate reading every sentence
# just in case there was a new one.
# The canonical name should be the one in the database.
# Let's not find any new ones with this.
# entityWithIndices = entityWithIndices.re_sub("^[Tt]he\s", "")
entityWithIndices = entityWithIndices.re_sub("^the\s", "")
if entityWithIndices.text in self.names_to_latitudes and not entityWithIndices.text in self.common_words and entityWithIndices.text[0].isupper():
location = Location(entityWithIndices, self.names_to_latitudes[entityWithIndices.text], self.names_to_longitudes[entityWithIndices.text], self.names_to_canonical[entityWithIndices.text], self.names_to_geonameids[entityWithIndices.text])

def get_cell_locations(self, textWithIndices: TextWithIndices) -> list[Location]:
# Replace author citations where possible because they sometimes get labeled as locations.
textWithIndices = textWithIndices.re_sub("[A-Z][a-z]+,\s\d\d\d\d", "(Author, year)")
entities = self.NER(textWithIndices.text).ents
non_persons = [entity for entity in entities if entity.label_ != "PERSON"]
locations = []
for entity in non_persons:
entitiesWithIndices = TextWithIndices(str(entity), textWithIndices.indices[entity.start_char:entity.end_char])
entityWithIndicesList = entitiesWithIndices.split(", ")
for entityWithIndices in entityWithIndicesList:
self.add_location(locations, entityWithIndices)
# We need to keep track of multiple, matching locations now.
# However, they should have differing ranges, so the set operation is still OK.
# It would work if only they could actually be compared to each other.
return locations # sorted(list(set(locations)))

def get_column_locations(self, strings: list[str], desc: str) -> list[str]:
locations_list = [self.get_cell_locations(TextWithIndices(string)) for string in tqdm(strings, desc=f"Finding {desc} locations")]
joined_locations = [", ".join([str(location) for location in locations]) for locations in locations_list]
return joined_locations

def run(self, data_frame: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
sentence_locations = self.get_column_locations(data_frame["sentence"], "sentence")
data_frame["sent_locs"] = sentence_locations
data_frame.drop(columns=["context"], inplace=True)
return data_frame
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions belief_pipeline/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,4 +25,5 @@ def mk_vectors(self, data_frame: DataFrame):
def run(self, data_frame: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
vectors = self.mk_vectors(data_frame)
data_frame["vector"] = vectors
data_frame.drop(columns=["sentence"], inplace=True)
return data_frame

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