Releases: clulab/tomcat-text
v4.1.5 Bugfixes, Rollcall Response, and testing
What's Changed
Agent infrastructure
- Agents now respond to rollcall request messages. @jastier in #292
- The File Agent now reports how many of each message type it handles. @jastier in #296
- Robustified the test scripts for all Agents
Taxonomy and rules
- Some small fixes for insights from the eval. Addressing certain rules overmatching. @remo-help in #294
Quality of life changes:
- Added inline comments in the taxonomy, explaining labels that are not self-explanatory. @remo-help in #295
- The MQTT agent now gives realtime feedback when messages arrive on subscribed topics
Functionality changes:
- Broadened coverage of the "WhichVictimType" question. @remo-help in #295
- Broadened coverage of "Type" label. @remo-help in #295
- Expanded "KnowledgeShare" to also pick up utterances such as: "I have some rubble here." @remo-help in #295
- Fixed an issue with the critical victim label, also fixed issues with RoleDeclare and LocationQuestion. @remo-help in #294
- File and Reprocessor agents can now handle large input files. Tested to > 3 GB.
Full changelog: v4.1.4...v4.1.5
v4.1.4 Bugfixes and constant heartbeat
v4.1.1: Miscellaneous rule updates for UAZ ASI
This release contains miscellaneous updates for the UAZ ASI, plus an update for closed-loop communication detection.
What's Changed
- Add "could you take care of.." pattern to Instruction by @Yuweien in #282
- Modelling team requests by @remo-help in #283
Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.1.1
What's Changed
Updated output format for attachments
- Renamed Negation.value field to Negation.negation by @jastier in #277
- Added "type" field to the Negation JSON output by @jastier in #280
Taxonomy and rule updates
- The "Save" label is now a subset of "TriageInteractions" by @remo-help in #266
- Added SOSMarker and threatrooms by @remo-help in #275
- Victim type coverage by @remo-help in #279
Decoupling TDAC and IDC from DialogAgent
- We ran into issues running the TAMU dialogue act classifier (TDAC) via HTTP requests driven by the UAZ DialogAgent on the ASU VM, so we are decoupling the TDAC from the DialogAgent (#267)
- Similarly, we are decoupling the interdependence detection component (IDC) (#268)
Miscellaneous/bug fixes
- Updated the Dockerfile to use a specific tag of the
image as the base rather thanlatest
, since they updated their image to use an incompatible version of Java (#269) - Fixed bug in webapp caused by TDAC decoupling (#272)
- Updating version number to 4.1.0 by @adarshp in #281
Full Changelog: v4.0.6...v4.1.0
v4.0.6: Updating version number
Full Changelog: v4.0.5...v4.0.6
(Apologies for the multiple releases in quick succession - still figuring out the process a bit!)
v4.0.5: Updates to rules and taxonomy from Study 3 Spiral 4, improved documentation generation
What's Changed
Meeting and damage labels, fixed minor issues. by @remo-help in #259
Eval fixes spiral4 by @remo-help in #261
Updated the documentation and scripts to generate tree-structure extraction by @chencc33 in #263
Meeting fix, marker block updated by @remo-help in #264
Updated version in version.sbt
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v4.0.3...v4.0.5
Rooms and Rules Updates
What's Changed
Room names
- Integrated room names from ASIST Study 3
Threat rooms
- Added a ThreatRoom label
- Added Labels for the new Marker Blocks, threat signs, and unspecified threats.
- Knowledge sharing on threat rooms works as expected, for example: ""There is a threat in room C3."
Victim types
- Added labels for victim types A&B (subset of the regular victims label)
- Type C is extracted under the CriticalVictim label
- added a label for victim types (unspecified): Type
- added a label for players asking after victim types: WhichVictimType
- Made file names for room-related rules consistent.
- Default "Room" label now only publishes if it used as an argument in another rule
- Added the python script used to generate the rules to the /scripts/ folder
- Amended rules to allow for threat markers and threat signs, with the difference explained.
- Added rules to capture and report threat rooms.
- Added label for players stating that they are on their way: OnMyWay
Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.3
JSON changes, asynchronous file processing, other updates
What's Changed
No null JSON fields
- JSON fields with null values are no longer included in any messages published by the Dialog Agent.
- This changes the output format of messages that in the past may have contained null values.
Interdependence Detection Component (IDC)
- IDC Worker tasks now run sequentially so that a result can be accumulated across messages
- The File Agent can now use the IDC Worker
Texas A&M Dialog Act Classifier (TDAC)
- Agents now exit if they cannot reset the TDAC server
- The File agent now uses the TDAC server
Other Updates
- All published message types are constructed with their companion objects and not through the Dialog Agent.
- Added a JSON utilities class to centralize those tasks. Parse errors no longer throw exceptions but instead log an error message and return None.
- The DialogAgent base class now maintains the list of Message Bus topics and handles extractions on the Rule Engine. All other heavy lifting has been moved to the message classes that use it.
- Configuration-set message fields are accessible directly, ie ‘DialogAgentMessage.msg.sub_type’ instead of querying the Dialog Agent
- The File Agent now processes its input in an asynchronous job queue with optional TDAC and IDC, and mirrors the MQTT agent output.
- null values have been completely banished from all agents, internally and in their output.
- TrialMessages support ‘isStart’ and ‘isStop’ methods without the user needing to filter on anything.
- The File Agent will wait for the IDC job queue to finish before exiting at the end of file input.
- Subscribed messages are now filtered on the full VersionInfo criteria
Configuration from files, Interdependence Detection Component, other updates
What's Changed
More properties set from configuration file
- Message bus settings are now read from the configuration file by @jastier in #223
- HeartbeatProducer now reads beat interval from config by @jastier in #224
- Trial 'start' and 'stop' values are now set in the config file by @jastier in #235
- Mqtt conf joseph by @jastier in #232
Interdependence Detection Component
A stub has been made for an 'Interdependence Detection Component' that will run in parallel with the DialogAgent.
- IDC worker class added to the MQTT agent class by @jastier in #228
- Added command line argument '--idc' to run the IDC worker by @jastier in #230
Other updates
- Message Bus topic 'status/asistdataingester/userspeech' has been removed. by @jastier in #225
- Small fixes by @remo-help in #222
- Removed debug statistics from MQTT agents by @jastier in #226
- Cleaned up libraryDependencies by @jastier in #231
- refactor 'working_copy' -> 'templateMessage' by @jastier in #233
- Changed 'tomcat_textAnalyzer' to 'uaz_dialog_agent' by @jastier in #234
- Updated documentation to clarify version and agent fields by @jastier in #229
Full Changelog: v3.1.4...v3.1.5
2021 November 30 Testbed Updates
What's Changed
- Test added for room detection. by @Yuweien in #210
- New tests by @remo-help in #211
- Add tests for HelpRequest and ToolBroken labels. by @Yuweien in #212
Updates to triggers and rules
- Add evacuator as a trigger for the Searcher label (commit from new branch). by @Yuweien in #206
- Evaluation-related fixes by @remo-help in #209
- Small fix on HowQuestion to recognize How can, and exclude how for Ye… by @Yuweien in #218
Message format updates
- Fixes docs by @remo-help in #214
- Deploying autogenerated docs to by @adarshp in #219
Version number
- Version is now read from BuildInfo by @jastier in #216
- Version number set to 3.1.4 for testbed deploy by @jastier in #221
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.1.2...v3.1.4