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ABayesTest is a lightweight Python package for performing Bayesian AB testing. Computations are run using Stan via cmdstanpy, and jinja2 is used as a backend templating engine to construct the Stan model files.


You can install ABayesTest via pip:

python3 -m pip install abayestest

To install the latest development version, use:

python3.10 -m pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/cmgoold/abayestest.git

Installing ABayesTest will also create a local cache folder for storing Stan model objects, which is .abayestest in the repository root.


ABayesTest requires a working cmdstan installation. The easiest way to download cmdstan is via cmdstanpy.

Simple API

The simplest use-case is running a comparison between two sets of approximately normally-distributed data sets. First, let's sample some fake data, where we have two groups with the following data generating process:

$$ \begin{align} y_{ij} &\sim \mathrm{Normal}(\mu_{j}, \sigma_{j})\\ \mu_{A} &= 0, \quad \sigma_{A} = 0.2 \\ \mu_{B} &= 1, \quad \sigma_{B} = 1 \end{align} $$

That is, both groups' data are normally distributed with locations, 0 and 1, and scales 0.2 and 1, respectively. Thus, there is a true difference of means of -1 and a true difference of scales of -0.8. Here's the Python code:

import numpy as np

from abayestest import ABayesTest

SEED = 1234
rng = np.random.default_rng(SEED)

N = 100
mu = [0, 1]
sigma = [0.2, 1]
y_a = rng.normal(size=N, loc=mu[0], scale=sigma[0])
y_b = rng.normal(size=N, loc=mu[1], scale=sigma[1])

We then initialize an ABayesTest object with the default options (normal likelihood, default priors) and fit the model, passing the data in as a tuple:

ab = ABayesTest(seed=SEED), y_b))

The model will run in Stan and return self. You can access the cmdstanpy.CmdStanMCMC object itself using ab.cmdstan_mcmc. For instance, we can use cmdstanpy's diagnostic function to check for any convergence problems:


which returns:

Checking sampler transitions treedepth.
Treedepth satisfactory for all transitions.

Checking sampler transitions for divergences.
No divergent transitions found.

Checking E-BFMI - sampler transitions HMC potential energy.
E-BFMI satisfactory.

Effective sample size satisfactory.

Split R-hat values satisfactory all parameters.

Processing complete, no problems detected.

indicating no problems.

To inspect the results, run ab.summary(), which returns a summary Pandas DataFrame straight from Arviz:

                  mean     sd  hdi_3%  hdi_97%  mcse_mean  mcse_sd  ess_bulk  ess_tail  r_hat
mu[0]            0.026  0.023  -0.018    0.067      0.000    0.000    4655.0    3215.0    1.0
mu[1]            1.059  0.105   0.851    1.249      0.001    0.001    5554.0    3166.0    1.0
mu_diff         -1.033  0.108  -1.222   -0.820      0.001    0.001    5566.0    3225.0    1.0
mu_star[0]       0.026  0.023  -0.018    0.067      0.000    0.000    4655.0    3215.0    1.0
mu_star[1]       1.059  0.105   0.851    1.249      0.001    0.001    5554.0    3166.0    1.0
mu_star_diff    -1.033  0.108  -1.222   -0.820      0.001    0.001    5566.0    3225.0    1.0
sigma[0]         0.229  0.016   0.199    0.259      0.000    0.000    4938.0    3202.0    1.0
sigma[1]         1.046  0.077   0.904    1.190      0.001    0.001    4530.0    2968.0    1.0
sigma_diff      -0.817  0.078  -0.973   -0.681      0.001    0.001    4504.0    3051.0    1.0
sigma_star[0]   -1.478  0.071  -1.616   -1.349      0.001    0.001    4938.0    3202.0    1.0
sigma_star[1]    0.042  0.073  -0.101    0.174      0.001    0.001    4530.0    2968.0    1.0
sigma_star_diff -1.520  0.101  -1.709   -1.334      0.001    0.001    4755.0    3271.0    1.0

ABayesTest always uses the parameter mu to refer to the vector of group-specific locations, or other non-normal distribution's canonincal parameters (e.g. the Poisson rate parameter; see below). Dispersion parameters, such as the normal distribution's scale parameter, are referred to as sigma.

The parameters suffixed with _star are unconstrained parameters, which ABayesTest uses for estimation under-the-hood. More details about the parameter transformations and likelihood parameterisations are given below, but for the normal distribution, mu = mu_star and sigma_star = log(sigma). Conditions A and B are always indexed as 0 and 1 in the Python outputs. The additional variables mu_diff and sigma_diff (and the _star companions) give the difference in posterior distributions between groups 1 and 2 (i.e. mu[0] - mu[1] using Python's zero-indexing). As we can see, these recover the data-generating assumptions above, with posterior means close to -1 and -0.8 for the means and standard deviations, respectively.

Using the estimated quantities, users can calculate any quantities or metrics that are meaningful to the AB test being performed. For instance, the probability that condition B scores greater than A is the proportion of the posterior distribution of mu[1] - mu[0] that is greater than zero, which in this case is 100%, as can be inferred from the mu_diff distribution directly:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde

def density(x):
    limits = x.min(), x.max()
    grid = np.linspace(*limits, 1000)
    return grid, gaussian_kde(x)(grid)

mu_diff = ab.draws()["mu_diff"]

plt.plot(*density(mu_diff), color="#0492c2", lw=4)
plt.axvline(0, ls=":", color="gray")
plt.title("posterior of condition A - B")

The ABayesTest class also contains a handy method to report the distribution of differences in the posteriors between conditions called compare_conditions, which tells us that:

100.00% of the posterior differences for mu favour condition B.
100.00% of the posterior differences for sigma favour condition B.

Posterior predictive distribution

ABayesTest automatically calculates the posterior predictive distribution of the data, which is accessible in the posterior draws object under the key y_rep. This array is in long form, where group A and B's predictions are stacked on top of each other. Using the example above, we can inspect this distribution using some small manipulation of the posterior draws:

y_rep_raw = ab.draws()["y_rep"]
y_reps = y_rep_raw[:, :N], y_rep_raw[:, N:]
ys = y_a, y_b

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4))
for i in range(2):
    a_or_b = (1 - i) * "A" + i * "B"
    grid, samples = density(y_reps[i].flatten())
    ax[i].plot(grid, samples, color="#0492c2", lw=3, label="Posterior predictive")
    ax[i].plot(ys[i], [0.01]*len(ys[i]), '|', color="black", label="raw")
    if not i:
        ax[i].legend(frameon=False, loc="upper right")

The rug plots show that the observed data fall within the posterior predictive densities.

Likelihood functions

Currently, ABayesTest supports normal, lognormal, gamma, Bernoulli, binomial, and Poisson distributions.

For non-normal likelihood functions, ABayesTest calculates the differences in canonical parameters on both unconstrained and original scales. The table below illustrates how each likelihood distribution is parameterised, what link functions are used to transform the parameters to the unconstrained scale, and the name of the unconstrained and original-scale parameters, for reference.

Distribution Parameterization Link function transforms
normal mean, sd mean := mu = mu_star
sd := sigma = exp(sigma_star)
lognormal log-scale mean, log-scale sd mean := mu = mu_star
sd := sigma = exp(sigma_star)
gamma shape, rate shape := mu^2 / sigma^2 = exp(mu_star)^2 / exp(sigma_star)^2
rate := shape / mu = shape / exp(mu_star)
Poisson rate rate := mu = exp(mu_star)
Bernoulli probability probability := mu = logit^-1(mu_star)
binomial probability probability := mu = logit^-1(mu_star)

ABayesTest will always return the mu, mu_star, sigma and sigma_star parameters, and their posterior differences, as standard. Additional variables appended with _j indicate the long-form parameter vectors, i.e. the value of the parameters at each index or case in the data.

All but the binomial likelihood require the same data format as above. That is, the normal, lognormal, gamma, poisson, and bernoulli models just require the y data vectors as a tuple, or alternatively as a dictionary. The binomial likelihoods require an additional data vector for the n parameter in the binomial PMF. It's assumed that the data for binomial models enter as a tuple or dictionary of tuples, in the form of data=( (n1, y1), (n2, y2) ).

Taking a specific example, below we simulate binomial data and it a model:

N = 500
mu = [0.6, 0.9]
n = rng.choice(range(70, 100), N)
y1 = rng.binomial(n=n, size=N, p=mu[0])
y2 = rng.binomial(n=n, size=N, p=mu[1])

data = (n, y1), (n, y2)
binomial = ABayesTest(likelihood="binomial", seed=SEED)
               mean     sd  hdi_3%  hdi_97%  mcse_mean  mcse_sd  ess_bulk  ess_tail  r_hat
mu[0]         0.596  0.002   0.592    0.601        0.0      0.0    3597.0    2533.0    1.0
mu[1]         0.898  0.001   0.896    0.901        0.0      0.0    3186.0    2305.0    1.0
mu_diff      -0.302  0.003  -0.307   -0.297        0.0      0.0    3570.0    2501.0    1.0
mu_star[0]    0.391  0.010   0.371    0.408        0.0      0.0    3597.0    2533.0    1.0
mu_star[1]    2.179  0.016   2.149    2.209        0.0      0.0    3186.0    2305.0    1.0
mu_star_diff -1.788  0.019  -1.823   -1.753        0.0      0.0    3374.0    2422.0    1.0

Here, the mu_diff parameter tells us that the mean posterior differences is -0.3, which is exactly what we simulated.

Priors and prior predictive simulations

The default priors are all standard normals on the unconstrained scales, which can be inspected using:

from abayes import DEFAULT_PRIORS


'normal': {'mu_star': 'normal(0, 1)', 'sigma_star': 'normal(0, 1)'},
'lognormal': {'mu_star': 'normal(0, 1)', 'sigma_star': 'normal(0, 1)'},
'gamma': {'mu_star': 'normal(0, 1)', 'sigma_star': 'normal(0, 1)'},
'poisson': {'mu_star': 'normal(0, 1)'},
'bernoulli': {'mu_star': 'normal(0, 1)'},
'binomial': {'mu_star': 'normal(0, 1)'}}

These priors are generally weakly informative, but can be changed to any Stan probability distributions you like. At the moment, different priors for each group, or hierarchical structures, are not supported.

ABayesTest also supports running prior predictive simulations using the prior_only flag passed to the class constructor:

rng = np.random.default_rng(SEED)
N = 100
mu = [0, 1]
sigma = [0.2, 1]
y1 = rng.normal(size=N, loc=mu[0], scale=sigma[0])
y2 = rng.normal(size=N, loc=mu[1], scale=sigma[1])

prior = ABayesTest(prior_only=True, seed=SEED), y2))

y_rep_raw_prior = prior.draws()["y_rep"]
y_reps_prior = y_rep_raw_prior[:, :N], y_rep_raw_prior[:, N:]
ys = y1, y2

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4))
for i in range(2):
    a_or_b = (1 - i) * "A" + i * "B"
    grid, samples = density(y_reps[i].flatten())
    prior_grid, prior_samples = density(y_reps_prior[i].flatten())
    ax[i].plot(grid, samples, color="green", lw=3, label="Posterior predictive")
    ax[i].plot(prior_grid, prior_samples, color="#0492c2", lw=3, label="Prior predictive")
    ax[i].plot(ys[i], [0.01]*len(ys[i]), '|', color="black", label="raw")
    ax[i].set_xlim((-20, 20))
    if not i:
        ax[i].legend(frameon=False, loc="upper right")

The above plot shows the prior predictive distribution in blue and posterior predictive distribution from the first example above in green.

Raw Stan code

The 'private' attribute _render_model can be used, if interested, to see the raw Stan code:



Bayesian AB testing in Python with Stan







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