You are currently viewing a development branch
Uses PUPPI Jets as default for Run3.
Tested with data (Run2022C onwards), MC for Run3 (Run3Summer22 made with 124X), MC for Run3 (Run3Winter22 made with 122X).
Run2022 data before RunC is still WIP and will not run with this exact setup.
If you are searching for a recipe to run with Run2 samples, please have a look at the master branch (106X).
This is a NanoAOD framework for advance developments of jet algorithms. For data, the current full content of this development branch can be seen here and the size here. For MC (124X) the description can be accessed here and the size here, the same for 122X MC: description and size. In this version, PFcandidates can be saved for AK4 only, AK8 only, or all the PF candidates. More below. This format can be used with fastjet directly.
For 2022 data and MC NanoAOD (Pre-)v10 according to the XPOG and PPD recommendations:
cmsrel CMSSW_12_4_8
cd CMSSW_12_4_8/src
git clone PhysicsTools/PFNano
cd PhysicsTools/PFNano
git fetch
git switch 12_4_8
cd ../..
scram b -j 10
cd PhysicsTools/PFNano/test
Note: When running over a new dataset you should check with the nanoAOD workbook twiki to see if the era modifiers in the CRAB configuration files are correct. The jet correction versions are taken from the global tag.
There are python config files ready to run in PhysicsTools/PFNano/test/
@BTV-Commissioning-Team: the recommended PFNano customization for commissioning (as of October 2022) for data is PFnano_customizeData_add_DeepJet
and for MC PFnano_customizeMC_add_DeepJet_and_Truth
, so without the allPF
The list of options that are currently implemented inside
(e.g. for MC) looks like that:
process = PFnano_customizeMC(process)
#process = PFnano_customizeMC_add_DeepJet(process) ##### DeepJet inputs are added to the Jet collection
#process = PFnano_customizeMC_add_DeepJet_and_Truth(process) ##### DeepJet inputs as well as a truth branch with fine-grained labels
#process = PFnano_customizeMC_allPF(process) ##### PFcands will contain ALL the PF Cands
#process = PFnano_customizeMC_allPF_add_DeepJet(process) ##### PFcands will contain ALL the PF Cands; + DeepJet inputs for Jets
#process = PFnano_customizeMC_allPF_add_DeepJet_and_Truth(process) ##### PFcands will contain ALL the PF Cands; + DeepJet inputs + truth labels for Jets
#process = PFnano_customizeMC_AK4JetsOnly(process) ##### PFcands will contain only the AK4 jets PF cands
#process = PFnano_customizeMC_AK4JetsOnly_add_DeepJet(process) ##### PFcands will contain only the AK4 jets PF cands; + DeepJet inputs for Jets
#process = PFnano_customizeMC_AK8JetsOnly(process) ##### PFcands will contain only the AK8 jets PF cands
#process = PFnano_customizeMC_noInputs(process) ##### No PFcands but all the other content is available.
In general, whenever _add_DeepJet
is specified (does not apply to AK8JetsOnly
and noInputs
), the DeepJet inputs are added to the Jet collection. For all other cases that involve adding tagger inputs, only DeepCSV and / or DDX are taken into account as default (= the old behaviour when keepInputs=True
). Internally, this is handled by selecting a list of taggers, namely choosing from DeepCSV
, DeepJet
, and DDX
(or an empty list for the noInputs
-case, formerly done by setting keepInputs=False
, now set keepInputs=[]
). This refers to a change of the logic inside
. If one wants to use this new flexibility, one can also define new customization functions with other combinations of taggers. Currently, there are all configurations to reproduce the ones that were available previously, and all configuations that extend the old ones by adding DeepJet inputs. DeepJet outputs, on top of the discriminators already present in NanoAOD, are added in any case where AK4Jets are added, i.e. there is no need to require the full set of inputs to get the individual output nodes / probabilities. The updated description using PFnano_customizeMC_allPF_add_DeepJet_and_Truth
can be viewed here and the size here.
All python config files were produced with
Two imporant parameters that one needs to verify in the central nanoAOD documentation are --conditions
and --era
options from WorkBookNanoAOD or XPOG--conditions
can be found here PdMV
@BTV-Commissioning-Team: the recommended PFNano customization for data is PFnano_customizeData_add_DeepJet
and for MC PFnano_customizeMC_add_DeepJet_and_Truth
Here are three example commands, with which the runnable configs in `test` have been created: nano_data_2022 --data --eventcontent NANOAODSIM --datatier NANOAODSIM --step NANO \
--conditions 124X_dataRun3_Prompt_v4 --era Run3 \
--customise_commands="process.add_(cms.Service('InitRootHandlers', EnableIMT = cms.untracked.bool(False)));process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery=1000;process.NANOAODoutput.fakeNameForCrab = cms.untracked.bool(True)" --nThreads 4 \
-n -1 --filein /store/data/Run2022C/DoubleMuon/MINIAOD/PromptReco-v1/000/355/863/00000/ab45899e-f1b8-49e7-be41-ee694b17b31d.root --fileout file:nano_data2022.root \
--customise="PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/V10/nano_cff.nanoAOD_customizeV10,PhysicsTools/PFNano/pfnano_cff.PFnano_customizeData_add_DeepJet" --no_exec nano_mc_Run3 --mc --eventcontent NANOAODSIM --datatier NANOAODSIM --step NANO \
--conditions 124X_mcRun3_2022_realistic_v11 --era Run3 \
--customise_commands="process.add_(cms.Service('InitRootHandlers', EnableIMT = cms.untracked.bool(False)));process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery=1000;process.NANOAODSIMoutput.fakeNameForCrab = cms.untracked.bool(True)" --nThreads 4 \
-n -1 --filein /store/relval/CMSSW_12_4_8/RelValTTbar_SemiLeptonic_PU_13p6/MINIAODSIM/PU_124X_mcRun3_2022_realistic_v11_summer22-v1/2580000/23bf3611-4033-4c70-9bf7-5ae65290e14f.root --fileout file:nano_mcRun3.root \
--customise="PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/V10/nano_cff.nanoAOD_customizeV10,PhysicsTools/PFNano/pfnano_cff.PFnano_customizeMC_add_DeepJet_and_Truth" --no_exec nano_mc_Run3_122X --mc --eventcontent NANOAODSIM --datatier NANOAODSIM --step NANO \
--conditions 124X_mcRun3_2022_realistic_v11 --era Run3,run3_nanoAOD_122 \
--customise_commands="process.add_(cms.Service('InitRootHandlers', EnableIMT = cms.untracked.bool(False)));process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery=1000;process.NANOAODSIMoutput.fakeNameForCrab = cms.untracked.bool(True)" --nThreads 4 \
-n -1 --filein /store/mc/Run3Winter22MiniAOD/TTTo2L2Nu_CP5_13p6TeV_powheg-pythia8/MINIAODSIM/122X_mcRun3_2021_realistic_v9-v2/2550000/0d44f6e9-6961-4d60-b2c1-0e21c1249100.root --fileout file:nano_mcRun3_122X.root \
--customise="PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/V10/nano_cff.nanoAOD_customizeV10,PhysicsTools/PFNano/pfnano_cff.PFnano_customizeMC_add_DeepJet_and_Truth" --no_exec
For crab submission a handler script
, a crab baseline template
and an example
submission yaml card card_example_data.yml
are provided. Fill out the individual entries for each new submission, e.g. dataset from DAS. @BTV-Commissioning-Team: this is also the file to put "BTV_Run3_2022_Comm_v1" for the output folder.
A single campaign (data/mc, year, config, output path) should be configured statically in a copy of
. -
To submit:
source /cvmfs/ source /cvmfs/ prod # note: this is new w.r.t. 106X instructions source /cvmfs/ voms-proxy-init --voms cms --valid 192:00 cd CMSSW_12_4_8/src cmsenv cd PhysicsTools/PFNano/test python3 -c card_example_data.yml --make --submit
Or alternatively, split creation and submission of config which allows manual inspection before submission:
python3 -c card_example_data.yml --make
then inspect manually if configuration is correct, and if all is fine:
python3 -c card_example_data.yml --submit
--test True
to disable publication on otherwise publishable config and produce a single file per dataset
When processing data, a lumi mask should be applied. The so called golden JSON should be applicable in most cases. Should also be checked here
- Golden JSON prompt
# 2022: /eos/user/c/cmsdqm/www/CAF/certification/Collisions22/Cert_Collisions2022_355100_362760_Golden.json
- Golden JSON, UL
# 2017: /afs/
# 2018: /afs/
- Golden JSON, pre-UL
# 2016
# 2017
# 2018
Include in card.yml
To create nice websites like this one with the content of nanoAOD, use the
file from the PhysicsTools/nanoAOD
package as:
python PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/test/ NANOAOD.root -s website_with_collectionsize.html -d website_with_collectiondescription.html
Please document the input and output datasets on the following twiki: For the MC, the number of events can be found by looking up the output dataset in DAS. For the data, you will need to run brilcalc to get the total luminosity of the dataset. See the instructions below.
These are condensed instructions from the lumi POG TWiki ( Also see the brilcalc quickstart guide:
Note: brilcalc should be run on lxplus. It does not work on the lpc.
1.) Add the following lines to your .bashrc file (or equivalent for your shell). Don't forget to source this file afterwards!
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/cvmfs/$PATH
export PATH=/afs/$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
2.) Install brilws:
pip install --install-option="--prefix=$HOME/.local" brilws
(Optional: upgrade brilws:)
pip install --user --upgrade brilws
3.) Get the json file for your output dataset. In the area in which you submitted your jobs:
crab report -d [your crab directory]
The processedLumis.json file will tell you which lumi sections you successfully ran over. The lumi sections for incomplete, failed, or unpublished jobs are listed in notFinishedLumis.json, failedLumis.json, and notPublishedLumis.json. More info can be found at
4.) Run brilcalc on lxplus: Note: for Run3, there is no PHYSICS normtag available as of Oct 20, 2022 -> use normtag_BRIL
brilcalc lumi -i processedLumis.json -u /fb --normtag /cvmfs/ -b "STABLE BEAMS"
The luminosity of interest will be listed under "totrecorded(/fb)." You can also run this over the other previously mentioned json files.
Note: '-b "STABLE BEAMS"' is optional if you've already run over the golden json. Using the normtag is NOT OPTIONAL, as it defines the final calibrations and detectors that are used for a given run.