General tools for data manipulation, Job management, etc.
usage ./ <outputFile>.root <srm-source-path>
has to be of the form: "srm://<...>/_/"- the
directory contains numbered directries0001
,... that contain the root files - example usage:
./ out.root srm://
Use ./
to check if triggers have prescales for events in a file.
If a trigger has a prescale, the script prints runNumber:luminosityBlockNumber:eventNumber
and the used prescale.
the triggers you want to inspectevents
the file you want to check
Calculate the lumi for 25ns data for runD (and possibly later) only for a given JSON file:
./ /afs/
Calls the brilcalc
tool, which has to be installed.
Show PDG ID histograms in the relevant range for SUSY particles:
./ file.root
If MINIAODSIM or AODSIM is contained in the filename, the right Trees and Branches are used. Otherwise, the 13 TeV and 8 TeV paths are tried.
adds a Decay block (chi01->~G X) to a GGM SLHA file (neutralino1 is stable there, Pythia8 can no longer calculate the decay on its own) for bino-like NLSP
./ M2_640_M1_630.slha
Copy a part of a file or dataset to a local file. The output filename will be guessed from the input file or dataset.
cmsRun dataset=/SinglePhoton/Run2015D-PromptReco-v4/MINIAOD [maxEvents=50]