KeDei 6.3 SPI TFT Display Test Program
2018 chkr
- Small Demo Program to show figures and colors on the LC-Display V6.3
based on FreeWing's code and Tong Zhang's code
added V6.3 init sequence and rotating sequence
added many improvements for bmp figures handling
The SW uses the quite slow wiringPI SPI interface driver. The kernel driver needs 1.7µs for sending one command to the display, the wiringPi library 23.5µs. That is more than a factor of 10 slower. So using a fast SPI interface driver will increase the speed of the display significantly. I have added two measurements for the different SPI driver as PDF to the files.
You need 7 wires to make kedei 6.3 display work!(not including touch panel)
- VCC - 5v
- L_CS - Chip select for TFT display (of course!)
- T_CS - Chip select for xpt2046, you need this in order to make display work! nasty 🤢 manually yank this line(pull low) when finish sending data through SPI