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Qsimulation V2.0: an Optimized Quantum Simulator

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Qsimulation V2.0: an Optimized Quantum Simulator

Source code

You can clone the repository quantum and it can run in eclipse or intellij idea, you may need to add j-science libaray.

Qsimulation V2.0 Grammer

Program     --------> Declare { ; Statement }
Declare     --------> Quantum Identifier INT [Explist]
Statement  --------> Operator | Measurement | Show | Alias | IFStatement | Reset
Operator    --------> UnaryOp | BinaryOp | TernaryOp | MultiOp | GateOp | UOp
UnaryOp     --------> X|Y|Z|S|SD|T|TD Argument
BinaryOp    --------> CNOT Argument Argument
TernaryOp    --------> CCNOT Argument Argument Argument
MultiOp    --------> CNOTS [Argument ]
GateOp      --------> Gate[Explist] Argument
UOp         --------> U[Explist] Argument
Measurement--------> Measure [ Argument Identifier ]
Show        --------> Show
Alias       --------> Alias Argument, Argument
IFStatement---------> IF Bool Then Statement { ; Statement } FI
Reset       ---------> Reset
Bool       ----------> [!] Identifier
Argument   ---------> Identifier | Array
Explist    ---------> (Expression {, Expression})
Expression ---------> Factor [+|-|*|/ Expression]
Factor      ---------> [-] INT | Complex | Real

INT := [0-9]+
Real := [0-9]+\.[0-9]*
Complex := \< \-? Real \, \-? Real \>
Identifier := [a-zA-Z]*
Array := [a-zA-Z]*\[INT\]

The list grammer has been used in the QSimulation. We will add some other grammer in the future.

Qsimulation V2.0 statements

Statement Description
Quantum Identifier INT Declare a quantum register named identifier with INT qubits.
Quantum Identifier INT Explist Declare a quantum register named identifier with INT qubits, and initialize the quantum register according to Explist.
X|Y|Z|S|SD|T|TD Argument single-qubit gate operation.
U[Explist] Argument Single quantum gate operation with parameters.
CNOT Argument Argument double-qubits gate operation.
CCNOT Argument Argument Argument triple-qubits gate operation.
CNOTS [Argument ] multi-qubits gate operation.
Gate[Explist] Argument Custom quantum gate operation.
Measure Global measurement of quantum states.
Measure [Argument Identifier ] Measurement of sub-states of quantum states.
Show Show the current state of the quantum register.
Reset Reset quantum register.
Alias Argument, Argument Alias an argument as the second argument.
IF Bool Then Statement { ; Statement } FI Classical judgment statement. Determine whether to execute the corresponding operation according to the measurement results.

Qsimulation V2.0 Structure

How to use

As you can see, the above picture is screenshot of QSimulation.

left pane

The black box area offers some buttons, which represent different functions.


  • button 'Init':initialization without parameters
  • button 'ass': initialization with possibility ampitudes

Unary Gates

built-gate(without parameters)
  X        Y         Z        S      SD          T           TD 
|0 1|   |0  -i|   |1   0|   |1 0|  |1  0|  |1    0     |   |1     0     |
|1 0|   |i   0|   |0  -1|   |0 i|  |- -i|  |0 exp(iπ/4)|   |0 exp(-iπ/4)|

built-gate(with parameters) U(x,y,z)
            |exp(−i(φ+λ)/2)cos(θ/2)  -exp(−i(φ-λ)/2)sin(θ/2)|
U(θ,φ,λ) =  |                                               |
            |exp(i(φ-λ)/2)sin(θ/2)   exp(i(φ+λ)/2)cos(θ/2)  |
and the global phase is exp(i(φ+λ)/2)/cos(θ/2)

Binary Gate

 Now, we only present a binary gate: CNOT, and we will offer some other universal matrix, such as CNOT-S.
        |1 0 0 0|
        |0 1 0 0|
cnot =  |0 0 0 1|
        |0 0 1 0| 
Although we don't present some other binary gate, we can constuct these.For example,
        |1 0 0 0|
        |0 0 1 0|
swap =  |0 1 0 0| 
        |0 0 0 1| 
swap[q1,q2] = cnot[q1,q2]cnot[q2,q1]cnot[q1,q2].  


We only support 0-1 measure now, and we will offer some other measurements

Classical control

input: number of executions It means we can test the program some times and QSimulation will offer the final distribution of statistics.


QSimulation presents some functions : import , save , restart, run, circuit, cirnext ,cirback, bloch

  • import : you can import the program to the editor
  • save : you can save the program
  • restart : you can restart the program
  • run : you can run the program
  • circuit : you can generate the quantum circuit
  • cirNext : you can debug the program
  • cirBack : you can debug the program
  • bloch: it can be simulated in bloch sphere


quantum teleportation

Quantum a 3;
Alias a[0] Alice1;
Alias a[1] Alice2;
Alias a[2] Bob;
H Alice1;
H Alice2;
CNOT Alice2 Bob;
CNOT Alice1 Alice2;
H Alice1;
Measure Alice1,i;
Measure Alice2, j;
if i then Z Bob fi;
if j then X Bob fi

quantum fourier transform

Quantum q 3;
X q[2];
H q[0];
T q[1];
CNOT q[1] q[0];
TD q[0];
CNOT q[1] q[0];
T q[0];
U(0,0,PI/8) q[2];
CNOT q[2] q[0];
U(0,0,-PI/8) q[0];
CNOT q[2] q[0];
U(0,0,PI/8) q[0];
H q[1];
T q[2];
CNOT q[2] q[1];
TD q[1];
CNOT q[2] q[1];
T q[1];
H q[2];
CNOT q[0] q[2];
CNOT q[2] q[0];
CNOT q[0] q[2]

Grover algorithm

Quantum a 4;
H a[0];H a[1];H a[2];X a[3];H a[3];
CNOTS a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3];
H a[0];H a[1];H a[2];X a[0];X a[1];X a[2];H a[2];
CCNOT a[0] a[1] a[2];
X a[0];X a[1];H a[2];H a[0];H a[1];X a[2];H a[2];
CNOTS a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3];
H a[0];H a[1];H a[2];X a[0];X a[1];X a[2];H a[2];
CCNOT a[0] a[1] a[2];
X a[0];X a[1];H a[2];H a[0];H a[1];X a[2];H a[2]


In folder examples, there are all the experiments and data of the paper.


Qsimulation V2.0: an Optimized Quantum Simulator






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