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fix(deps): update react monorepo #2831

fix(deps): update react monorepo

fix(deps): update react monorepo #2831

GitHub Actions / Test results succeeded Oct 3, 2024 in 0s

46 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

✅ junit.xml

46 tests were completed in 12s with 46 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
src/auth/fetchWithToken.test.ts 4✅ 9ms
src/auth/useClearAuthQueryParams.test.ts 2✅ 9ms
src/footer/Footer.test.tsx 1✅ 203ms
src/footer/LinkSection.test.tsx 2✅ 486ms
src/header/Header.test.tsx 3✅ 79ms
src/landing/LandingPage.test.tsx 4✅ 656ms
src/overview/api/habit/api.test.ts 4✅ 84ms
src/overview/api/habit/habit.test.ts 6✅ 8ms
src/overview/api/track/api.test.ts 2✅ 79ms
src/overview/components/Card.test.tsx 1✅ 198ms
src/overview/components/list/HabitList.test.tsx 11✅ 8s
src/overview/components/report/Report.test.tsx 5✅ 544ms
src/overview/OverviewPage.test.tsx 1✅ 2s

✅ src/auth/fetchWithToken.test.ts

  ✅ sets authorization header when token is passed
  ✅ does not set authorization header when token is not passed
  ✅ preserves headers when token is passed
  ✅ preserves headers when token is not passed

✅ src/auth/useClearAuthQueryParams.test.ts

  ✅ given authentication flow has been completed, search params include state and code should set search params to empty
  ✅ given authentication flow has not been completed should not set search params to empty

✅ src/footer/Footer.test.tsx

  ✅ renders link sections

✅ src/footer/LinkSection.test.tsx

  ✅ renders title
  ✅ renders links

✅ src/header/Header.test.tsx

  ✅ renders codecentric logo
  ✅ renders header text
  ✅ renders github link

✅ src/landing/LandingPage.test.tsx

  ✅ given oidc is enabled > starts oidc flow when user clicks on login button
  ✅ given oidc is enabled > renders error when user clicks on login button but oidc flow start fails
  ✅ given oidc is enabled > renders error when auth error occured
  ✅ given oidc is disabled > renders link to overview

✅ src/overview/api/habit/api.test.ts

  ✅ create habit > should mutate habit state
  ✅ create habit > should mutate report achievement state
  ✅ delete habit > should mutate habit state
  ✅ delete habit > should mutate report achievement state

✅ src/overview/api/habit/habit.test.ts

  ✅ returns 'once per day' when frequency is DAILY and repetitions is 1
  ✅ returns 'twice per week' when frequency is WEEKLY and repetitions is 2
  ✅ returns '3 times per day' when frequency is DAILY and repetitions is 3
  ✅ returns '4 times per week' when frequency is WEEKLY and repetitions is 4
  ✅ returns '5 times per month' when frequency is MONTHLY and repetitions is 5
  ✅ returns '6 times per year' when frequency is YEARLY and repetitions is 6

✅ src/overview/api/track/api.test.ts

  ✅ update tracked dates > should mutate tracked dates state
  ✅ update tracked dates > should mutate achievement report state

✅ src/overview/components/Card.test.tsx

  ✅ renders title

✅ src/overview/components/list/HabitList.test.tsx

  ✅ renders list of four habits
  ✅ renders habit titles
  ✅ renders habit schedule
  ✅ renders habit track buttons
  ✅ renders habit delete buttons
  ✅ should delete habit when delete button is clicked
  ✅ filters habits by name based on search query
  ✅ filters habits by schedule based on search query
  ✅ should open datepicker when track button is clicked
  ✅ should highlight already tracked dates when datepicker is open
  ✅ should highlight date when date is selected

✅ src/overview/components/report/Report.test.tsx

  ✅ renders loading message before showing percentages
  ✅ renders rounded week percentage as text
  ✅ renders rounded month percentage as text
  ✅ renders exact week percentage as visualization
  ✅ renders exact month percentage as visualization

✅ src/overview/OverviewPage.test.tsx

  ✅ should add habit when habit creation form is submitted