Contributors: salcode, tbcorr, dustyn Author: codenameEli Author URI: Plugin URI: Tags: toggle,psd,overlay,image,design,development,developer,dev,devtool,pixelperfect,launchdm Tested up to: 4.1 Stable tag: 1.3 License: GPLv2 License URI:
Develop your site pixel-perfect by overlaying the comp!
This plugin enables the developer to toggle the overlay the comp of the site with just the click of a button. Stop going back and forth between your browser and Photoshop to get the height or margin between elements and live-edit 'til it lines up exact!
Upon installation, the plugin will create a CPT called "Toggle PSD". This is where you can add and remove images of the design as needed. The title is used as a label on the dropdown menu. The featured image is the design image.
- Upload through WordPress Dashboard:
- Go to Plugins -> Add New
- Click the "Upload Plugin" button at the top of the page
- Upload ""
- Click "Install Now"
- Click the "Activate Plugin" link
- Manual/Drop-in upload
- Open ""
- Place the "Toggle-PSD" folder in
directory - Go to the WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins
- Find "Toggle PSD" in the list and click "Activate"
- In the WordPress Dashboard, go to Toggle PSD -> Add New
- Enter a title for the overlay (e.g. Homepage)
- Upload the image of the design (homepage.jpg) and click "Publish"
- Go to homepage of your site and hover over the "Toggle PSD" admin bar item at the top
- Click on the overlay you want to display
- 🍪 to remember the last selected item
- Clicking the "Toggle PSD" admin bar item will toggle the last selected item
- ~ toggles the last selected item
- Right-clicking on the overlay will hide it for 3 seconds, so that you can inspect an element without having to toggle. The overlay will toggle back on in 3 seconds on its own.
- Where is the negative margin being set? It is being set in Javascript. It takes the width of your image, halves it and sets that to the negative margin.