Codename One 3.1
You can read the full release announcement and details here.
Notice that you should always install the latest release of Codename One thru
Highlights of this release include
Java 8 Language Features
Support for Java 8 features such as Lambdas, try with resources etc. This is a beta grade feature but is showing great promise so far.
iOS Certificate Wizard
Simple generation of certificates and provisioning for itunes without a Mac using a wizard interface.
Authentication Framework
Provides the ability to signin to various services in a generic way including builtin support for Google, Facebook and generic oAuth 2.0 services.
Font Icons
Support for using icon fonts to represent images in the UI thus reducing the reliance on multi-images.
Better Crash Reporting
As part of migrating away from Google App Engine we shifted crash reports to use new servers which make them far more usable by embedding the logs directly into the email body.