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Update windows-ci for nodejs 20 upgrades #139

Update windows-ci for nodejs 20 upgrades

Update windows-ci for nodejs 20 upgrades #139

Workflow file for this run

name: Windows build and test
- '**'
- '**'
- created
name: Build and Test
runs-on: windows-2022
- name: Setup environment
run: |
echo "builddate=$(Get-Date -format r)" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
echo "release_name=Sonnet-$("${{ github.ref_name }}".Replace("/","-"))-CI" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
- name: Setup msbuild
uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v2
- name: Setup dotnet
uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4
dotnet-version: 6
- name: Checkout Sonnet source
uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: Sonnet
- name: Checkout dependenies sources
shell: cmd
run: |
for /f "eol=# tokens=1,2,3" %%i in (sonnet\.coin-or\Dependencies) do (
echo Cloning into folder %%i from github project %%j at branch %%k
git clone --depth=1 --branch=%%k %%j %%i
if exist Data\miplib3 (
7z x -bso0 -oData\miplib3 Data\miplib3\*.gz
erase /f Data\miplib3\*.gz
- name: Prepare for build
shell: pwsh
run: |
(Get-Content Sonnet\src\Sonnet\AssemblyInfo.cs).Replace('','2.0.0.${{ github.run_number }}') | Set-Content Sonnet\src\Sonnet\AssemblyInfo.cs
(Get-Content Sonnet\src\SonnetWrapper\AssemblyInfo.h).Replace('','2.0.0.${{ github.run_number }}').Replace('2,0,0,9999','2,0,0,${{ github.run_number }}') | Set-Content Sonnet\src\SonnetWrapper\AssemblyInfo.h
7z --% a -tzip -r -x!.git "${{ env.release_name }}" .\*
nuget restore Sonnet\MSVisualStudio\v17\Sonnet.sln
- name: Build
shell: cmd
run: |
echo Build pthread-win32 as static library
msbuild ..\pthreads\windows\VS2022\pthread_lib.2022.vcxproj -p:Configuration=Release -p:Platform=x64 -m
mkdir sonnet\lib\x64
copy ..\pthreads\windows\VS2022\bin\Release-Unicode-64bit-x64\pthread_static_lib.lib sonnet\lib\x64\.
echo Build Sonnet
msbuild Sonnet\MSVisualStudio\v17\Sonnet.sln -p:Configuration=ReleaseParallel -p:Platform=x64 -m
- name: Run tests for net4 framework
shell: cmd
run: |
cd Sonnet\MSVisualStudio\v17\SonnetTestNET4\bin\x64\Release\
- name: Run tests for net60
shell: cmd
run: |
cd Sonnet\MSVisualStudio\v17\SonnetTest\bin\x64\Release\net6.0\
- name: Create artifact package for master or stable
if: ${{ ( github.ref_name == 'master' ) || startsWith(github.ref_name, 'stable/' ) }}
shell: cmd
run: |
mkdir package\x64\net6.0
copy Sonnet\MSVisualStudio\v17\Sonnet\bin\x64\Release\net6.0\Sonnet.dll package\x64\net6.0\.
copy Sonnet\MSVisualStudio\v17\Sonnet\bin\x64\Release\net6.0\Sonnet.xml package\x64\net6.0\.
copy Sonnet\MSVisualStudio\v17\Sonnet\bin\x64\Release\net6.0\SonnetWrapper.dll package\x64\net6.0\.
copy Sonnet\MSVisualStudio\v17\Sonnet\bin\x64\Release\net6.0\SonnetWrapper.xml package\x64\net6.0\.
copy Sonnet\MSVisualStudio\v17\Sonnet\bin\x64\Release\net6.0\Ijwhost.dll package\x64\net6.0\.
mkdir package\x64\net48
copy Sonnet\MSVisualStudio\v17\SonnetNET4\bin\x64\Release\Sonnet.dll package\x64\net48\.
copy Sonnet\MSVisualStudio\v17\SonnetNET4\bin\x64\Release\Sonnet.xml package\x64\net48\.
copy Sonnet\MSVisualStudio\v17\SonnetNET4\bin\x64\Release\SonnetWrapper.dll package\x64\net48\.
copy Sonnet\MSVisualStudio\v17\SonnetNET4\bin\x64\Release\SonnetWrapper.xml package\x64\net48\.
copy Sonnet\AUTHORS.txt package\.
copy Sonnet\BUILD-INFO.txt package\.
copy Sonnet\CHANGELOG.txt package\.
copy Sonnet\LICENSE.txt package\.
copy Sonnet\NOTICE.txt package\.
copy Sonnet\ package\.
copy Sonnet\THIRD-PARTY-LICENSE.txt package\.
copy Sonnet\examples\Example5.cs package\.
cd package
7z a -tzip -r "..\${{ env.release_name }}" .\*
cd ..
- name: Upload src artifact
if: ${{ ( github.ref_name == 'master' ) || startsWith(github.ref_name, 'stable/' ) }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: Sonnet Sources
path: ${{ env.release_name }}
- name: Upload bin artifact
if: ${{ ( github.ref_name == 'master' ) || startsWith(github.ref_name, 'stable/' ) }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: Sonnet
path: ${{ env.release_name }}
- name: Update latest release
if: ${{ github.ref_name == 'master' }}
uses: IsaacShelton/[email protected]
release: Sonnet-latest
tag: latest
draft: false
prerelease: true
replace: true
updateTag: true
body: |
Built on: ${{ env.builddate }} (v2.0.0.${{ github.run_number }} )
The Sonnet latest builds are pre-release builds based on the latest code in the master branch. As such, these builds may or may not be stable.
The Sonnet latest builds use the latest code in the [master branch of Cbc]( and its dependencies.
The Sonnet latest builds are created automatically at every successful build following a commit to the master branch.
Use the S${{ env.release_name }} to get all sources of Sonnet, Cbc and dependencies.
Do not use the 'Source code' assets because it only contains the sources of Sonnet.
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
files: |
${{ env.release_name }}
${{ env.release_name }}