PRs welcome!
In case your weather station send all data to and you lost your weewx database, this huge cannonball will help you to reintegrate your data. build with
The steps are easy.
This simple tool will login into your account, fetch all available devices and download all available data
for the range between startdate
and enddate
./ecowitt2weewx export --user <ecowitt username> --pass <ecowitt password> start_date end_date
./ecowitt2weewx export --user [email protected] --pass 12345 2020-01-01 2020-12-31
Details see source file: /app/Commands/EcowittExportCommand.php
This script will generate a CSV File which is compatible with wee_import config in step 2.
The file will be generated in ecowitt_<device_id>.csv
Import your data with wee_import. Sample config below
Sample Import File: weewx_import.conf:
# Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Tom Keffer <[email protected]> and Gary Roderick.
# See the file LICENSE.txt for your rights.
# Specify the source. Available options are:
# CSV - import obs from a single CSV format file
# WU - import obs from a Weather Underground PWS history
# Cumulus - import obs from a one or more Cumulus monthly log files
# WD - import obs from a one or more WD monthly log files
# Format is:
# source = (CSV | WU | Cumulus)
source = CSV
# Parameters used when importing from a CSV file
# Path and name of our CSV source file. Format is:
# file = full path and filename
file = /home/pi/input.csv
# The character used to separate fields. Format is:
# delimiter = <single character>
# Default is , (comma).
delimiter = ","
# If there is no mapped interval field how will the interval field be
# determined for the imported records. Available options are:
# derive - Derive the interval field from the timestamp of successive
# records. This setting is best used when the imported records
# are equally spaced in time and there are no missing records.
# conf - Use the interval setting from weewx.conf. This setting is
# best used if the records to be imported have been produced by
# WeeWX using the same archive interval as set in weewx.conf on
# this machine.
# x - Use a fixed interval of x minutes for every record. This
# setting is best used if the records to be imported are
# equally based in time but there are some missing records.
# Note: If there is a mapped interval field then this setting will be
# ignored.
# Format is:
# interval = (derive | conf | x)
interval = derive
# Should the [StdQC] max/min limits in weewx.conf be applied to the
# imported data. This may be useful if the source has extreme values that
# are clearly incorrect for some observations. Available options are:
# True - weewx.conf [StdQC] max/min limits are applied.
# False - weewx.conf [StdQC] max/min limits are not applied.
# Format is:
# qc = (True | False)
qc = True
# Should any missing derived observations be calculated from the imported
# data if possible. Available options are:
# True - Any missing derived observations are calculated.
# False - Any missing derived observations are not calculated.
# Format is:
# calc_missing = (True | False)
calc_missing = True
# Specify how imported data fields that contain invalid data (eg a numeric
# field containing non-numeric data) are handled. Available options are:
# True - The invalid data is ignored, the WeeWX target field is set to
# None and the import continues.
# False - The import is halted.
# Format is:
# ignore_invalid_data = (True | False)
# Default is True.
ignore_invalid_data = True
# Imported records are written to archive in transactions of tranche
# records at a time. Increase for faster throughput, decrease to reduce
# memory requirements. Format is:
# tranche = x
# where x is an integer
tranche = 250
# Specify whether a UV sensor was used to produce any UV observations.
# Available options are:
# True - UV sensor was used and UV data will be imported.
# False - UV sensor was not used and any UV data will not be imported.
# UV fields will be set to None/NULL.
# For a CSV import UV_sensor should be set to False if a UV sensor was
# NOT present when the import data was created. Otherwise it may be set to
# True or omitted. Format is:
# UV_sensor = (True | False)
UV_sensor = True
# Specify whether a solar radiation sensor was used to produce any solar
# radiation observations. Available options are:
# True - Solar radiation sensor was used and solar radiation data will
# be imported.
# False - Solar radiation sensor was not used and any solar radiation
# data will not be imported. radiation fields will be set to
# None/NULL.
# For a CSV import solar_sensor should be set to False if a solar radiation
# sensor was NOT present when the import data was created. Otherwise it may
# be set to True or omitted. Format is:
# solar_sensor = (True | False)
solar_sensor = True
# Date-time format of CSV field from which the WeeWX archive record
# dateTime field is to be extracted. wee_import first attempts to interpret
# date/time info in this format, if this fails it then attempts to
# interpret it as a timestamp and if this fails it then raises an error.
# Uses Python strptime() format codes.
# raw_datetime_format = Python strptime() format string
raw_datetime_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M
# Does the imported rain field represent the total rainfall since the last
# record or a cumulative value. Available options are:
# discrete - rain field represents total rainfall since last record
# cumulative - rain field represents a cumulative rainfall reset at
# midnight
# rain = (discrete | cumulative)
rain = cumulative
# Lower and upper bounds for imported wind direction. It is possible,
# particularly for a calculated direction, to have a value (eg -45) outside
# of the WeeWX limits (0 to 360 inclusive). Format is:
# wind_direction = lower,upper
# where :
# lower is the lower limit of acceptable wind direction in degrees
# (may be negative)
# upper is the upper limit of acceptable wind direction in degrees
# Imported values from lower to upper will be normalised to the range 0 to
# 360. Values outside of the parameter range will be stored as None.
# Default is -360,360.
wind_direction = -360,360
# Map CSV record fields to WeeWX archive fields. Format is:
# weewx_archive_field_name = csv_field_name, weewx_unit_name
# where:
# weewx_archive_field_name - An observation name in the WeeWX database
# schema.
# csv_field_name - The name of a field from the CSV file.
# weewx_unit_name - The name of the units, as defined in WeeWX,
# used by csv_field_name. wee_import will do
# the necessary conversions to the unit system
# used by the WeeWX archive.
# For example,
# outTemp = Temp, degree_C
# would map the CSV field Temp, in degrees C, to the archive field outTemp.
# A mapping for WeeWX field dateTime is mandatory and the WeeWX unit name
# for the dateTime mapping must be unix_epoch. For example,
# dateTime = csv_date_and_time, unix_epoch
# would map the CSV field csv_date_and_time to the WeeWX dateTime field with
# the csv_date_and_time field being interpreted first using the format
# specified at the raw_datetime_format config option and if that fails as a
# unix epoch timestamp.
# Field mapping to the WeeWX usUnits archive field is currently not
# supported. If a usUnits field exists in the CSV data it should not be
# mapped, rather WeeWX unit names should included against each field to be
# imported in the field map.
# WeeWX archive fields that do not exist in the CSV data may be omitted.
# Any omitted fields that are derived (eg dewpoint) may be calculated
# during import using the equivalent of the WeeWX StdWXCalculate service
# through setting the calc-missing parameter above.
dateTime = date_and_time
interval =
barometer = pressure_rel, hPa
pressure = pressure_abs, hPa
altimeter =
inTemp = temp_in, degree_C
outTemp = temp_out, degree_C
inHumidity = humid_in, percent
outHumidity = humid_out, percent
windSpeed = wind, meter_per_second
windDir = wind_dir, degree_compass
windGust = wind_gust, meter_per_second
windGustDir =
rainRate = rain, mm_per_hour
rain = rain_daily, mm
dewpoint = temp_out_dew, degree_C
windchill = temp_out_gust, degree_C
heatindex =
ET =
radiation =
UV =
regenerate / restart weewx daemon and check your data!